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The Music In Your Brother's Name
An Open Letter to My Surviving Children

Sweet smells
that burn the nostrils still
and tastes that linger yet.

held to the breast
closer than child who dwelt.

Angels sang
a sweet refrain,
and then he slipped away.

Too dear, too sweet
for life itself,
I held him in repose.

And knowing what
a mother does,
I gave him peace to go.

Vicki W. Vanderveen


Only another bereaved parent can understand the horror of surviving a child. With this in mind, Vicki W. Vanderveen penned "The Music In Your Brother's Name; An Open Letter To My Surviving Children" following the sudden death of her three year old son. Christian James Vanderveen died in 1993, from an undiagnosed metabolic disorder following a case of the flu.

Though Christian was an earth-bound angel only briefly, he touched a magnitude of people. In her book, Ms. Vanderveen keeps her son's memory alive for her daughters, while counselling other grieving parents.

If you or someone you know has lost a child, please read "The Music In Your Brother's Name."

"The Music in Your Brother's Name" is the poignant insight into one mother's grief following the sudden death of her oldest child. Through poems and letters, the author addresses each of her five children and details how their three-year old brother's death impacted their lives. The author's candid and personal account takes the reader through the very raw emotions in the beginning of the grief process and through some very powerful spiritual visions she had which eased her pain. A must read for every parent who has ever lost a child.
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