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Glenn Ellis Falls (NH)

© 1998 Jon Binder


Ratings (ratings explained)
Power: 7/10
Beauty: 6/10
Ease of Access: 8/10

Glenn Ellis Falls is a 64 foot waterfall in Pinkham Notch in the White mountains, reached by a 1/4 mile walk.


Glenn Ellis Falls


Glenn Ellis Falls is located in Pinkham Notch in the White Mountain National Forest. The parking area for the trail to the falls is half a mile south of the Pinkham Notch Visitor Center, on NH state route 16. A tunnel leads under the road to the trail from the parking area, which leads down many steps to the base of the falls in 1/4 mile.


Glenn Ellis Falls is definitely worth checking out, especially considering its ease of access. Although the trail is fairly steep with over 100 steps, it is very short and takes only about 10 minutes to get to the base of the falls. Along the walk down, you pass another beautiful cascade above the waterfall. The falls itself is fairly simple, as the water plunges straight down the granite cliff into a tiny pool at the bottom. It usually has a high volume of water at most times of the year, and is a pretty powerful waterfall considering its modest height and width. However, the scene manages to retain a subtle beauty despite the force of the falls. Just remember you have to climb back up the steps!

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Page Last Revised: February 10, 2002