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Abbey Pond Cascades (VT)

© 2000 Jon Binder


Ratings (ratings explained)
Power: 3/10
Beauty: 5/10
Ease of Access: 9/10

A series of little cascades grace the outlet stream of Abbey Pond in the Green Mountains of Vermont, only a few minutes from the trailhead.


The bottom part of Abbey Pond Cascades


From the junction of VT-116 and VT-125 in East Middlebury, Vermont, take VT-116 north 2.3 miles to a sign for the Abbey Pond Trail. Turn right onto a gravel road that leads 0.3 miles to the trailhead. There is plenty of parking here, but this area has dismal surroundings of a gravel pit and a treeless slope created by the lumber and gravel operations of the area.


While the beginning is disappointing, the trail soon leads up into the woods and to a welcome change of scenery. At this point, only 0.2 miles from the trailhead, a bridge spans the outlet brook of Abbey Pond. It takes scarcely five minutes to reach the brook.

Several beautiful but small cascades grace the brook above and below the bridge. Be sure to explore the area completely. The picture is of one of the cascades downstream from the bridge.

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Page Last Revised: February 11, 2002