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Hey we're a few weeks late on these pics but who's counting! Larry's was a great time and a great primer for last week's toys for tots show. We met alot of new people and had some old friends stop by who we haven't seen in... well years (almost). So Gary...



And Rob... just want to say thanks to those who showed up.

Shout-outs......... Danno, Niss, Kristen (20Q Rewind!!!), Kelly, Pete, & Erin,... Jimi from id,... Dana, Casey, & her b/f,... The Big EB, Joe, and his friends from Cold Spring,... Rob Affuso & the guys from Soul System,... Marissa & Alex,... McKay & his friends,... Big Vin...Tom from Bootleg, Karen & Jen,... Lori & Ron,... Greg and his gang from West Point,... Pat & Frank from NIAB,... Mindy, Erin, & Jennie Lynn,... Jerome the bouncer,... and Spike, Larry & the entire staff at P'Larrys

"It was better than cats... it was better than Gremlins.
We'd see them again and again."

We're glad you had fun... I know we did. And finally, here are our pics....

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Again thanks to John "Why don't you play in Monroe anymore?" Niss for also providing the following pics. Remember, John's site has limited bandwidth (that means don't everybody go truckin' over there at once). If his site doesn't come up immediately or if you receive an error message, take a break, and come back again in an hour or two.


Click Here for More P. Larry's Photos!

WHERE NEXT? - Friday, Dec 20th, at The Downtown Tavern, Middletown, NY.
The fun starts at 10:00pm.