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"The Downtown Tavern, 5-4-02 !!!"

After a long break, it was nice to come back and see a great crowd. We took over a month off to break in our new drummer, Al. But we're glad you all didn't forget about us while we were gone. Even better, you all came to party. You know it's trouble when you get a pic of someone with a broken hand drinking out of a pitcher of beer...

"Uhhhhhh my hand hurts....Mmmmmmmm beer"

We had MSC in the house ("we're a CREW not a CLUB... a club is like the 4H or something"), and Billy from Bootleg. We even had an impromptu appearance from Brian Gregory, bass player from The Amazing Whiplash Family and Al's bandmate from People of The Sun.

He even stuck around and busted out some Rage Against The Machine and Soul Coffin with us.

The four of us....




and Al want to thank you for a great night!

Of course we have some shout outs for you.... Niss, Lauren, Brother Bob & The Big EB, Dana, Jennie Lynn, Erin, Mindy, Tammy and Mark from the Olive Garden,... Bootleg BillyG, Brian Gregory,... John E and Chris from Chester, Michelle B's sister and her friend Amanda B. ....Danno, Kristen, Becky & Jamie....Alison & Rob from Florida, Erin & Becky,... Suzanne, Tommy,... Jourdan & Maria, Michael Ferdette, ...Richie, Jessie from Middletown, Punk Carlos,Payolin and the crew from The Middletown Skate Crew... Jimmy Bonez and anyone who's name we missed.

We'll be at Sweeney's Irish Pub this Saturday May 11th. Until then here are some pics to tide you over...

And BIG THANKS once again to Mr. John Niss for also supplying the following pix... enjoy!
Niss Photos!

Remember Saturday - May 11th, we're back at Sweeneys Irish Pub in Walden, NY. The fun starts at 10:30 pm. And ladies - no cover!