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The Old Erie Brewery 3/22/02

Wow! Talk about a surpise. All week long the four of us were sweating, practically dreading our gig last Friday at the Old Erie Brewery. Not that we don't like to try out new places, but sometimes, for a band, trying a new place can be a very stressful thing. You worry if people are going to show. You worry if the owners are going to tell you to "Turn Down!!!" More worry if the band is going to get free drinks! Sometimes finding an outlet to run the lights can be a big challenge.

For years we've played around the corner at a place called The Downtown. Not exactly the fanciest place, but it has it's charm. It's paint splattered dance floor and creaky stage have been home to over 20+ gigs for us. It's large, comfortable, and we know where every light switch in the place is. Best of all, we've developed a great audience there. The Old Erie is known for jazz and blues, not alt. and punk. To take a chance and see what was cooking next door, was a big step. And we couldn't have been happier.

The Old Erie turned out to be a great place and we made lots of new friends. They liked us too and booked us again this June. Thanks to Dana for capturing last Friday's action in these great pics. We'll have thumbnails up soon enough... till then enjoy this pics!

Piggy back is just one step away from crowd surfing!

Another crowd shot... of course after a few beers (note the angle).

It's tough "holding it" when you have to pee and play guitar at the same time!

"Where's Jennie?"

Rob with the Old Erie security staff
Hey Rob...
"I, got your back...
No I got your back...
Nope I got your back, bud!"

Come on Billy!!! Admit it!
This beats all those nights at the Airport, singing Sinatra to the fat guy in a cowboy hat at the end of the bar!