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The Old Erie 3/22/02, page 4

This is Dana's friend Jay. Jay suffers from an unfortunate physical condition known as Poser Syndrome. Notice his hand locked in a perpetual Ozzy/Satan sign. His face also exhibits that classic 80's rock sneer/clenched jaw (sometimes termed as "Billy Idoltis").
Poser Syndrome is not present at birth but develops over time, usually a result of attending Pantera concerts or watching too many VH1 Def Leppard Behind The Music specials. In time, his features will become more profound and he will develop what's known by medical professionals as "Old Poser Syndrome". This progression is usually accompanied by a mustache, a mullet and a can of Budwieser clenched in his hands.

But don't feel sorry for Jay... he has learned how to compensate for his condition and below are examples...

...he has the support of his friends.

...he still popular with the ladies.

In fact he's pretty popular with everyone.

Bobby and Dana are unfortunately not showing empathy!!! They are being cruel and mocking poor Jay!

Jennie, Jimmy and Momma H. Hey...! Dana! Look at that finger. That's not nice. Is that why Jimmy's an ex?