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Hey snazzy label up top, huh? It was supposed to arc, and give the whole heading an 'inflated marquis' look. Unfortunately, sometimes in Photoshop, things don't ever turnout the way you expect.

We have alot of pics. Over 120 in total, from both gigs. We managed to narrow it down to just under sixty,... after we got rid of Dana's cage dancing pics. If anyone wants to get Dana a gift for X-mas, buy her a cage. She'll dance all day and night in it. I won't waste space writing about the gigs... if you were there... you were there! If you weren't,... well, you were someplace else. Besides I'm on a self imposed gig-writing exile. Rob, Gary, myself, and Al would like to say, to those who came to party....'Spanks for da memories!!!!'

Shout Outs to: ...Jennie & Mindy (outstanding PR as of late), Dana (you cage dancin' hussy), Erin, Brother Bob, Adelphi Ashley, The Big EB, Joe, the 'other' Ed who kicked *ss in musical chairs, Yoshi, Frank, Ed, Rick, Jen, Kim... all from CRS,... John Niss (for always outstanding pics), Erin, Katrina,... The Heartbreak Sisters (Karen, Annie & Jen),... Danno, Alison, Rob, Julie, James, & friends,... Andrew (your taste in ties is unparalleled), Carly (it's been waaaaaaay too long), Brian G & his wife (always welcome to 'Rage' w/ us), Bootleg'ers Tom, Rob, Okey & Billy, Bootleg'ettes Tina & Frenchie, Erin, Lilith,... Mark & Paul from PTM,... Mikey, Eric, Atilia, & John E. from Chester,... James, Sarah, her sis, & Joe from Something Clever,... Timmy, Timmy's boss, & co-workers,...John & Eli from Dr. Mudd,... Jeff, Pedro & Tony the Tiger,... Missy & Robin ,.... Will & friends,... Mr. James T. Bonez,... Dean C. and the staff at Front St. for having us,... McKay, Janet, and the staff from WRRV for setting up the event, and to The Downtown for... being, well the Downtown!

So enjoy all the pics... and get something nice for someone this holiday!!!

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The Downtown Tavern in Middletown, NY - Fri, Dec 20th. C-ya there!!!

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