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Who's the Best DJ in the Hudson Valley???

According to Sweeney's patrons it's the man, the myth, the legend himself...
WRRV's John Gilmore(wonder if Gallop knew about the poll?)

That's why last weekend Sweeney's threw a big party for him.

From 9 till 11 John Gilmore yapped on the mic, gave away prizes, and even fooled poor defenseless bar patrons into thinking they were broadcasting live on the radio...

(hey!!!... we're on the radio???
"Everybody... Let's have a beer for Jesus!!!
Oops, Hi Mom, I'm drunk!")

Turning loyal Sweeney's patrons into stupid human pet tricks?
The power of fame can be an ugly thing, See John... see what the power of fame can do?

Anyway, everyone seemed to have a good time. After two hours of $2 Mc Sorley & Guiness specials most people certainly didn't mind being packed like sardines. By the time we finally started our first set most of the faces looked like they spent all day drinking free beer at a Tennesee trailer park pep rally. was also Gary Sweeney's Birthday.

(yep... that's right. Gary turned 14 this Saturday!)

What do you get a guy who seems to have everything for his birthday? Well, ok, we don't know if Gary has everything in life... but he asked us to play and the cops never came... maybe that was our gift. The band was actually thinking of chipping in for a stripper. Unfortunately all of the strippers who live in Walden had to work that night. He did get a little cake, a cool band and a great crowd.

Speaking of the crowd... here's some shout outz... Brother Bob, Ed, Andrew, Billy,... Hillary, sis Heather & Mom..., Erin, Dana, Jennie Lynn,... Mindy, Mom & Dad Laverty, Jamie ... Jacob & Lindsay from RI,... Will, Chris, Joey, ALL the Gap'ers: Scuba Steve (congrats!), Scuba's Dad, Mike Mack, Brian (thanks for the RATM!), Evan, Tom, Gip, Marc, Ruter,... Karen, Annie, & Jen,... Zane & Tracy,... Alan & Ashlene, Keith, Matt O'Niell, Jen D, Christine T. and the rest of the crew from Chester, Darren & Magical Liz, Danno & Kristen, Sweeney's Staff: Lupe, Big Tony, and bartenders Barry & Eric,... Gary Sweeney (Happy B-day!), Okie, Tom & Bobby from Bootleg, Matt & friends from IBM....

Hope to see everyone Friday March 22 at The Old Erie Pub in Middletown, NY!