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Gully's 7-3-02

WG on tour... in the bowels of Hell.

Nothing like playing on the hottest night of the year. The temp at Gully's hit 98F that day with a heat index measuring over 115 degrees. It was like playing next to a pizza oven while the dishwasher was on 'dry'. Breeze...? There was no breeze, but we had bugs,... plenty of bugs. Despite the unpleasant weather we still had a great crowd and made a few more friends.

We're working on the pics from the Old Erie, so we'll keep this short. Some shout outs to... Billy & Tina, Bootleg'er Tom, Andrew, Ed, Brother Bob & Joe & the guys from CRS... Kim, Adel, Lissa and Momma K,... From Po-town Jimmy & Elenia,... and Lynn ...Danno, & Kristen... John Niss and Lauren (Happy B-day)... GAP'ers Tom & Evan...Will K. and his buds... NITB's Bri & Mike...Dana, Jennielynn, Mindy, Erin, & Tammy...Annie, Jen, & Karen,... Julie C & friends from Monroe, and any one else we missed.

Pics are below... Enjoy!!

We're playing this Friday July 12th at the Downtown Tavern in Middletown. Show starts at 10pm. Come out and check us out! Peace!