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"Sweeneys Irish Pub,
New Years Eve Celebration 12-31-01!!!"

"What a party!!! ... and even some cool hats!!!"

Thanks to all who came out on New Years to celebrate the New Year with us! The crowd at Sweeney's ruled!!! With everybody coming from parties and leaving to go to parties, it was hard to keep track of everyone who was there.

But we do have a few shout outs for some people we haven't seen in a while... Kar Kar (your boyfriend) & Mark, it was great seeing you... please don't be strangers. Becky, Jamie & Brenda, thanx for coming out... Shannon... Rochester??? Albany??? Make up your mind please and find a place to live!!! Connie & Carly, great seeing you also... Joy & Jen, we saw you sneek in... who's gonna celebrate New Year's in New Paltz? Students don't have any money. Darren and Magical Liz... sorry for bailing on "The Buckhorn", it was way too cold to wait for ya. Dana and Keith... for coming and then going! Ed and Tammy... at least you stayed for "Date Rape". John Gilmore and his girl...J it's wierd seeing you at a gig without a mic in your hand. McKay from WRRV... great meeting you, don't be a stranger. Mikey from Chester... I bet this New Year's wasn't as memorable as last years. To John Niss... for making almost every freakin show. Danno & Kristen, we saw you mouthing the words to NoFX. Tom and Bobby from Bootleg... I had the shirt first buddy. BillyG... you're such a player!!! Andrew, how many ex's can you fill in a room. Brother Bob, Trish, and the 'rents... Kamikazi shots anyone? JennieLynn & Mindy... please not in the corner... use the sink!!! Erin & Hill, next year is Vegas... we promise! And of course to the Sweeney's staff...thanks for the complimentary beverages. To anyone we missed or forgot - we're gonna throw out a generic "Shout Out" to all and to everyone for a great New Year!!!

Pics are below --- enjoy!!

This Saturday - Jan 12th, we'll be at The Downtown Tavern in Middletown, NY. The fun starts at 10:30pm with a $3 cover for 21+up or $5 for 18-21. So bring yourself and a friend and get ready for a night of punk/ska & metal and celebrate the evening w/us!