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UNH Summit!!!

Look out!... Where's Grant? Invades New Hampshire

We came, we saw... we brought backup singers!!! As most of you have heard by now, our singer, Gary Green, recently hurt his leg in a work-related accident. What some of you don't know was that the accident happened less than 24 hours before we were supposed to perform for a bunch of high school students at the University of New Hampshire.

It was just another afternoon Friday for Gary. He was waist deep in a trench, installing the last pipe on a new water main for the village, when the walls of the trench gave way... on his legs. Buried, his co-workers had to dig him out and send him to the emergency room. Luckily nothing was broken, but he did painfully sprain his right leg. To his frustration the doctor ordered two weeks of bed rest and crutches. That left us less than a few hours to figure what to do. "To cancel or not to cancel"?

We made the hard decision to go on with the show. We made a few phone calls, crossed our fingers and luckily... found not one, but two singers who could fill in for our fallen Gary.

In fine WG tradition... Okey giving the kids the mic.

We really didn't have to look all that far. Billy G. (who's practically at every WG show) and Okey from the band Bootleg, happily stepped up to help out. Just because they've seen many WG shows and were familiar with our setlist doesn't mean that the show would be a total breeze. In fact they had less than 4 hours to learn 12-15 songs on the car ride up. Plus they had pretty big shoes to fill. We played at UNH last year for the same group of kids and Gary left quite an impression. When we arrived the first thing the kids noticed that our "crazy singer with the yellow hair" wasn't there.

But Okey and Billy really pulled through. They did a great job and we appreciated their efforts to help us put on a great show!

Where are the cheerleaders? Looks like the gym from the "Smells Like Team Spirit" video.

And if having two singers wasn't enough... we had Al, blindfolded with duct tape, to entertain them for hours.

So we owe a load of thanks to Billy & Okey (Amy & Tina for keeping them company)for traveling the 263 miles to Durham, NH and pulling off a great show. Mindy and Jennie Lynn for a never ending supply of Twizzlers and pictures. We also want to thank NH Tobacco Prevention and Control for inviting us back to perform at this year's summit... our second year in a row. And finally a big thanks to Program Counselor Allie, for getting us the gig each year and for pulling some BIG strings to get us everything we needed to pull off this year's show!

Finally a HUGE ahout out to all the kids at the program who stayed the night and had a great time with us. We hope we're there again next year!

Pics are below... Enjoy!!

As for Gary, he's at home hobbling on crutches and getting mighty sick of daytime television. His injury wasn't life threatening, just frustrating, so don't expect a big HVMM reunion concert for his benefit. But I'm sure he wouldn't mind if somebody let him borrow their XBox for a few weeks.. in fact, someone out there, please help him!!! There are only so many Lifetime movies a man can watch. He'll be off his feet for a couple of weeks until his leg heals up. Hopefully he'll have doctor's approval to perform by our next gig at Gully's, Wednesday July 3rd. We'll keep you all in the loop and let you know how he's progressing.

Till the next time, Peace!