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Trailside Pub in Chester 9-22-01!!!

What was this... our 20-th something gig we've played at this place. And every time we're here it still feels like home. The Trailside was the very first place we played almost 3 years ago (Feb 28th, 1999). And it gets better each time.

...and we're not the only ones who get excited

"Whoa... uh, that's cool you like the show,
next time though, could you not get so friendly!"

Thank you to Jimmy for having us and for Ed for keeping the bar running. Big Happy B-Day to both Jennie Lynn and Brother Bob who both turned 22 (yeah right:). To Big Bad Billy who was better late than never on background vocals. And the Surprise of the night Paul and Mark from PTM doing a drive-by... "Dammitt" will never sound the same again.

Shout outs to: Tammy, Ed, Erin, Hillary, Mindy, Dana who used to be down under but now just hangs out at the Airport Inn, Jennie Lynn (Happy B), Danno & Kristen, Mikey and his friends, Melissa & Dave, John Niss & Lauren, Brother Bob & Trish (Holly Cow), From Florida... Lori, Alison, Suzanne, Irene, Craig, Roomie-Mark, Ed Shuback. From Chester...Troy & Jinda, Mr T (that Mr. Tito for those not in the know), Howie, Gary "Hey Jeff!... play a drum solo" Lange, the O'Neil brothers, Jenn D., Jason, Bob Smith and the whole crew from "Joe-some guy's" wedding, Matt from, Paul & Mark from PTM "Dammit"! uh... ummm.... uh... anyone else who drove by, rolled down their windows, even for a second and considered walking in... but didn't... we thank you too!

This Saturday we're at The Wreck Room in Walden, NY. That means lots of Pennywise, Papa Roach, Linkin Park & Limp Bizkit to go around. Let The Bodies On The Floor! The show starts at 10:30 pm, be there or be square!