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Trailside Pub in Chester 11-3-01!!!

Whoa... could you tell we've been a little busy. We had last weekend off and already we're slackin with the pics gallery. I even got a few emails calling me on the last announcement forever proclaiming Tuesday's "Picture Day" at Well here's some news for ya... it's Tuesday and the pictures are up (I just never specified which Tuesday they would appear).

So here are the pics from our last gig, Saturday Nov 3rd at The Trailside Pub. As usual a fantastic turnout, and despite all of the down faces from the disgusting Yankee's loss, everyone was ready to party. We of WG...



Jeff & Rob want to thank everyone who came out to represent.

Shout outs to Chef Gabby and his Bro, Ed, Brother Bob, Tammy, Erin, Hillary, JennieLynn & Mindy, Troy, Mr. "House O' Pain" Matt O'Niell, Jennifer D., Christine Truhon, Desserie (oops I Kant Spel) Fuzz and Nancy, Jimmy Seymore, Keith, Mike D from Universal 3 and his girl Michelle, Joy and their friends, Johnnie Clapp, Tommy Fuller, Danielle and everyone from Fulton's (I promise we'll get there soon), Brian Tice & Jason, John Niss, Lauren, Danno, & Kristen. Big Bill for showing up and singing some songs even though someone was puking in his bed. The Gap Club, Steve & JohnnieA., Bryan and his girl, Marc (I got your score), Tom, Evan... well everyone who was sitting at that corner table for 3 hours before we showed up. That annoying guy with bad breath who kept asking us to play the Doobie Brothers. Even the sonofabitch who kept playing that damn country music in between sets... we thank you too!

This Saturday Nov 17th, we're back at Sweeney's Irish Pub. We'll have some new songs in the rotation, we'll have Okey behind the bar, we'll have Big T. at the door. What more do you need? 10:30 sharp! Be there!