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August 26, 2000

Dear brethren,

I just got back from Saitama, Japan, a provincial suburb just outside of Tokyo for a two week visit. My trip was sponsored by the brethren there and I baptized two converts in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only saving name. Our small congregation was very happy to receive me and helped me conduct several Bible Study meetings in Hidaka Shi, in Ogawa Machi, and in Nissi-Kokubunji.

Our members there are mostly Filipino women, and most of them have married Japanese men, and many of these men are willing to get into our church but the language barrier is a major hindrance. The Lord God is so good for He had led us to Bro. Kazunori Urata in Kokubunji, a minister of the Gospel for almost 30 years now, preaching the Jesus name baptism, and the belief of the Apostolic Doctrine. Bro. Urata has stopped holding services in his place because his few members moved away. So, we talked to him about handling our services in Hidaka Shi, a one-hour trip away from his house, every Sunday afternoon, to which he agreed to do.

This will be a break through for our congregation, because the need of an all Japanese preacher in Japan is a priority. Though our Filipino members speak Nihonggo, yet theirs is basically conversational. Bro. Urata will bring a big lift to the church there, not only for the language barrier, but as well as the respect that Japanese people will have for the church.

We are planning to send a pastor from Manila to Saitama early next year, on a missionary Visa. We made this known to Bro. Urata and he will help facilitate things for us through the Japanese Embassy. In the long run, we plan to put up several works in Tokyo, and we are looking at sending at least 20 preachers there.

If any of our web brethren have contacts in Japan, or anyone that needs to be reached by the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the Apostolic Gospel, we would be very grateful if you could relay it through my email address:

Please mention in your prayers our effort in Japan. Prayer touches God, in small of big way.

Thank you so much!

Yours in Christ,

Bishop John


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