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History of this site

This site has been up for about a year and a half now and its been through some major changes. I first started making websites about 2 years ago. My first one was about N64 cheats. Click here to check it out. This site somehow became a sucess so I decided to make another site.

This site was dedicated to a great game. Perfect Dark. The site really sucked, and Angelfire deleted it. I never worked on it and it became an abandoned site.

Then one day I decided to make a site dedicated to great bunch of games. The Zelda saga. The first site was terrible but it managed to reach about 850 hits. Click here to check out the old site.

This site was up for about a 9 months until one game made me decide to make another site. Conker's Bad Fur Day. This site was also barely worked on so this went to the pile of Dave's Sites that sucked. It was also deleted by Angelfire.

Around June of this year (2001), I decided to make my zelda site better. After a couple days of working on it, I made it look like this Now, my site was starting to shape up a look a little bit more professional.

I fixed up the site little bits and pieces. I put up walkthroughs with some help (thanks Andrew for writing a lot of that crap), Guess that Tune, and a Zelda Quiz. Around August of this year (2001), I decided to get a new look for the site and I would be happy with it.

I worked for about 2 weeks fixing the site up but finally I finished. While fixing the links, and the linked pages, I was just about complete. Today (September 3rd, 2001) I have put up the new site which looks beautiful.

Now (March 21, 2003) a new part of this site has been introduced. I worked on this for about a month and a half. The Dave's Zelda Site: Zelda Browser was made to contain all Zelda games. It contains information and walkthroughs for all of them (well, not all but hopefully soon!).

That's about it, that's the history of my sites and especially this site. Thanks for reading.