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How to get around Hyrule as a kid

1. First get up and find sword in "hole of Z"

2. Then buy a Deku sheild for 40 Rupees.

3. Talk to Mido.

4. Talk to Deku tree and go inside and kick its ass.

5. After beating deku tree, head out of the woods.

6. Saria should give you a fairy Ocarina.

7. You should enter Hyrule field.

Then head to hyrule castle town. Don't know where it is Click here

8. In the Market, you should talk to some poeple to find out how to enter. Also talk to a little girl singing a song.

9. Go into Hyrule Castle.

10. You'll notice that there is a soldier in front of the iron bars. A bunch of vines are perpendicular to a tree. Climb the vines.

11. Wedge your way through the guards. Believe Me get caught the first time.

12. Then you should notice that the little girl is back and says she has an egg. She gives you the egg and you have to hold on to it until it becomes a chicken.

13. Now sneak past the guards, swim into the moat, and continue past until you see a sleeping fat man.

14. Use the chicken to wake up the sleeping fat man.

15. After the man runs, align the boxes so you can be able to jump on top of them. HINT : If you did it correctly, a tone will go off.

16. Then jump into the little area where some water is falling out of. WARNING: Make sure you enter during the day, not night.

17. Then pass all of the guard being stealthy.

18. If you see Zelda talk to her. She talk for a half an hour.

19. Then Impa will teach you Zelda's Lullaby and will give you a hint that the other jewel is in Goron city.

20. However go to the Lost woods. Don't know where it is ? Click here

21. Go through the Lost Woods by listening to music. The owl will tell you the hint.

22. Go through the Sacred forest Meadow and you will see Saria. You should learn Saria's song.

23. Go back to Hyrule field and go to Kakariko village.

24. Go north to go to death mountain or west to go to the graveyard. You should go to the North

25. The guard will say something and you should show him the letter you got from Zelda.

26. Go up the trail until you reach Goron city.

27. Go down to the last floor of the city and you will see two closed doors.

28. Play Zelda's Lullaby in front of the door with the "plush carpet under you."

29. Go to the big Goron and talk to him. Then play Saria's song.

30. You should receive the Goron Bracelet and you can pick up bomb flowers.

31. Go back to the top floor and and get out of the city.

32. Back outside go to the right until you see a Goron with a fence behind him.

33. There is one single bomb flower there. Pick it up and through it off the cliff. The camerea view should change.

34. If you blow up the huge boulder you will hear a tone so go in there and beat the second level.

35. After beating it you should have a bomb bag and a Goron Bracelet ( you got it from Darunia)

36. Then go to Zora River. Blow up the four rocks blocking the way through. Also the owl will talk to you.

37. Go all the way through Zora's River until you see a huge waterfall. Then in front of it play Zelda's Lullaby.

38. You should then enter Zora's Domain go all the way up until you see the King. Talk to him. He says that his daughter is missing.

39. Then go left until you see a Zora that says if you want to play a game.

40. Play the game and you should get a Silver Scale. Then look for a small hole in Zora domain and swim into it.

41. You should wind up in Lake Hylia.

42. Then you should find a bottle in the bottom of the lake. It is between the stone pillars.

43. After getting it, it is a letter in a bottle. Go back to Zora's Domain by the water tunnel.

44. Go show King Zora the bottle. He will let you pass but before you enter, go catch a fish. Don't buy one.

45. After catching a fish pass King Zora and talk and you should enter Zora's Fountain.

46. Then you should see a huge fish A.K.A. Lord Jabu-Jabu. Use the fish to enter Jabu-Jabu and beat the third level. Don't know how? Click Here

47. After beating Jabu-Jabu. Go to Hyrule Castle.

48. Then you should see that the bridge is closed and you will view a movie.

49. After seeing the movie you should've seen that Zelda threw something into the moat. Go to the moat and get it.

50. It is the Ocarina of Time, then you should learn the Song of Time.

51. Then go to the Temple of Time and play the song in front of the pillar.

52. After the door opens pull out the sword and start your adventure as an adult.

Need help as an adult ? Click Here