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Woodfall Temple

Written by: Andrew HTML and other stuff written by: Owner of Dave’s Zelda Site

1. At the entrance, use the deku flower on your left and fly toward the next one in front of you. Use this one to fly across to the door and the next room.

2. In this room, fall onto one of the lilies as the deku scrub and enter the door on the right.

3. As the deku scrub, head to the flower in the middle and fly left to reach a chest with a key. Go back to the central flower and head to the door in front of you (door you haven’t been in yet.

4. Defeat all of the snappers and get the map. Then leave this room and the next room until are in the room where tatl makes the “stench” remark. Find and open the locked door.

5. In this room, push the block forward, head for the lit torch, but keep going and push and push the block all the way, light a deku stick, find the unlit torch near the door with iron bars, and light that torch, enter room.

6. Kill all the dragon flies and get the compass. Then return to the previous room.

7. This time light a deku stick, climb the stairs and light that torch, then take the lit stick over to the spider web and burn it. Then go up the stair case.

8. In this darkened hallway are a shitload of boes so keep slashing your sword until you killed all of them. Then light the 3 torches to open the door.

9. Kill the dragonflies and use the deku flowers to get to the door on the far left corner of the room.

10. You’ll find yourself in the room with the lilies and crap again. Hit the switch in front of you and enter the door on your left. Then go right and enter that door.

11. Kill the dinofoes and get the bow.

12. Go back and hit the eye switch, go on the deku flower and enter the near door.

13. Kill the Gekko and get the boss key. Then exit the room. Go to the room with the shrine and shoot an arrow through the fire into the shrine. Jump onto the shrine and light the torch in the corner and enter that door.

14. Use the Deku Flowers along the wall to get to the boos door. Make sure to hit the switch with an arrow get rid of the fire.

15. Defeat Odolwa and your done.