The name of the game is 'SCABBAH'!

Objective of the game:
The aim is to get rid of all your cards as soon as possible. The last player left with cards is called the scabbah or whatever word you want to use.

Players and Rank:
Number of players - about 4 to 7 people. The suits are irrelevant and the cards rank, from high to low, 2 A K Q J 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3.

The cards are dealt clockwise and all cards are played. Some people may have more cards than others.

The player to the dealer's left starts by placing any single card or any set of cards of equal rank (i.e. three fives) face up on the table. Each player in turn must then either pass (i.e. not play any cards), or play the card or set of cards which beats the previous play.

In other words a single card is beaten by any higher single card and a set of cards can only be beaten by a higher set of cards. A set of cards can only be beaten by a higher set containing the same number of cards. For example: If the previous player played two fives you can beat this with two Jacks, or two eights, but not with a single Jack, and not with three eights.

It is not necessary to beat the previous play just because you can - you can always pass. Passing doesn't prevent you from playing the next time your turn comes round.

The play continues as many times around the table as necessary until someone makes a play which everyone else passes. All the cards played are then turned face down and put to one side. The person who played the last card gets to start the next play by placing either a single or set of cards.When a player whose turn it is to play has no more cards left, the turn passes to the next player in rotation.

Social Rank

The first player who is out of cards is awarded the highest social rank - like 'President', 'Mayor', or 'King of New York' -the next is 'Vice-President', then 'Citizen' and so on down the rank. The last player to be left with any cards is known as the 'Scabbah', or other terms of abuse.

If keeping score, the players get points depending on their position - For example 2 points for the 'President', 1 point for the 'Vice President' and nothing for the others. More importantly, the players of higher status are entitled to enjoy and generally abuse their power over the lower ranking players.

For the next hand the players move seats. The 'President' selects the most comfortable chair, the 'Vice President' sits to the President's left, and so on around to the 'Scabbah' who sits to the 'President's' right, probably on a crate or packing case.

The 'Scabbah' is responsible for shuffling, dealing and clearing away the cards when necessary. As the players are now seated clockwise in order of rank, the first card is dealt to the 'President', the second to the 'Vice President', and so on down the rank.

When the deal is complete, the 'Scabbah' must give his highest card to the 'President', and the 'President' gives back in exchange any card which he does not want. The 'President' then leads any card or set of cards and the game continues as before.

End game:
If scoring, set a target and the game ends when someone reaches 13 points...or however many points you want.

I have yet to figure out ranks for this game, so if you guys have any suggestions, email us! You could even rank newsie characters, say you win you get to be 'Jack' but if you lose you have to be 'Snyder' or..... 'Sarah' *snickers*. The possibilities are endless.