Here are some guidelines to use for writing a letter to your favorite newsie.


A short letter is best to write to your favorite newsie because remember they are very busy people and do not have time to read a 15 page letter. Your letter should not be longer than a page. Never copy any sample letters from the internet, your letter should be personal and original. Copying a standard letter form will make your favorite newsie feel as if you are not a legitimate fan of his.


A. Mention how much you appreciate his work (name particular roles he has played).

B. Point out things that they have said in interviews.

C. Talk about any personal encounters (if any) with the actor.

D. Ask a question. Some celebs will often reply to you in a personal note.

E. Put your address on the letterhead or beneath your closing signature. Just in case something happens to your envelope.

F. You could also leave your phone number too…there have been rare moments when you actually do get a call.

G. Remember to politely ask for an autograph. Don’t just expect them to give you one.

H. Even if you send a picture, out of courtesy you must still ask for an autograph. By sending your picture without asking for an autograph, you may not get it back.

I. Never ask for more than one autograph! You don’t want to come across as pushy.


Some people think it’s no big deal whether you write or type your letter.But personally I think you have a slight advantage to writing your own letter as opposed to typing it. However there are people who have had success in getting a response with a type-written letter.


The most important thing you have to do is to always, always, always…did I mention always?… use a SASE- a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Provide an envelope with correct postage. The actor you write to should not have to get the postage or write out an envelope himself.


Use big envelopes. Most pictures that celebs give out are 8 X 10 inches. So you should send off a 10 X 13 envelope to your newsie and a SASE that is 9 X 12.


It is a good idea to include in your SASE a sturdy piece of cardboard. Find one that is not too bulky, one that is not even a centimeter thick. This will protect your picture.


It is a good idea to find an envelope that says "DO NOT BEND." If you can’t find one just write it on the envelope in a place where the postal workers can see it.

(8) FAKE-OUT! :

It is common to recieve a signature stamped on, printed on by machine, or handwritten by someone the celebrity has authorized to use his signature. So you do not end up with like one of those unlucky people with fake autographs, put your own picture in the envelope that you want autographed.

(9) I LOVE YOU! :

Your letter is a gift unto itself. It is not neccesary to shower your special newsie with long letters of your adoration of him ... your own autographed photograph ... yourself ... (Repeat after me: “Stalking is bad.”)

(10) E-MAIL ME! :

Yes, there are some actors,like Kevin Stea [Swifty], who will respond through their e-mail. Make sure you include your address in the letter, since you will obviously not be sending a SASE.


If you should look upon a site containing addresses to your favorite newsies use the ones that contain the name of their agency. Supposed “home addresses” will not be answered to due to the fact that they would like to maintain their privacy and would not like to acknowledge that they live at that address.


Try to write your letter at a time when the actor is not busy. For example if you were to write to Christian Bale, try to do it when he is between or finished with one of his films.

(13) PATIENCE! :

D’liver D’letter D’sooner D’better D’later D’letter D’madder I getter! Patience is indeed a virtue. Be prepared to wait... and wait... and wait. I have heard of people waiting years for an autograph.[Oh the agony!!] Keep in mind that popular people, like our newsies, recieve tons of fan mail. So be patient, sing songs off of the soundtrack and watch the movie repeatedly as you wait, and hopefully someday you’ll get your reply.

Good Luck!!!