The Low-down on Wish

“Race, git outta ‘ere! Dis interviews ovah already!”

“But Spot, I ain’t finished! Ya can’t do dis to da king a New Yawk!”

*glares at Race* “Beat it!!”

*Race scrambles out of the room*

*looks at the list in his hand* “Geez I gotta go trough alla dese questions agin’?! Man is Denton nosy!”

*sighs* “Arright, Wish get ya butt in ‘ere!”

*Wish rushes into the room, slams the door and is all out of breath*

“Wish why are ya…” *Skittery pounds on the door*

“Wish!!! Ya can’t hide ferevah!*silence*….I know wheah ya live!” *more silence* “Aright Wishie…I’ll uh…be right heah when ya come out……um…ah ferget it!”

*Spot looks at Wish* “I don’t even wanna know…youse guys got a weird friendship ya know dat?”

*shakes his head* “Anyways, let’s jist git dis ovah wid’ kay?”

“Fine…whatevah!” *stares intently at the door*

“Uh huh…okay…so Wish, what’s ya name kid?”

*finally stops staring at the door to look at him* “Whadya mean what’s me name? Ya jist said it yahself…what’s wrong wid’ you?”

*gets angry* “Look stupid, I meant ya real name! Sheesh even Snipeshootah figahed dat one out!”

“It’s Julie, ya happy?!”

“Quit da sarcasm Jules, I ain’t in da mood.”

“Fine…don’t call me Jules.”

“Okay …Wishie…”*smirks*

*grumbles* “Okay, okay…next question.”

"How old are ya?"

"I'se 19."

*looks surprised*"No kiddin'?"

"What's wid da look Conlon?"

*smirks* "Seein' as how youse all dumb an all, I tought ya was Les's age!"

*Wish gets angry and starts to stand up*

"Sit Down!!!" *gives Wish the deadly Spot Conlon stare*

*Wish immediately sits down, hoping Spot won't soak her*

“Okay, now wheah do ya live?”

“I live in Seattle!”

*puts down the list and looks at her* “Ya live in Brooklyn whachu talkin’ about?”

“Brooklyn…Seattle…same ting..”

“What’s ya job?”

“I’ma college student.”

*snorts with laughter* “Ha ha yeah right! A poor newsie like yaself in school! Not only dat but ya ain’t smaht enough ta be in school! Ha Ha!”

*scratches her head* “Hey! Whacha sayin’? I’s smaht! S-M-R-T! smaht…" *quickly blushes*… “I mean s-m-A-r-t.. *whispers to herself 's-m-a-r-t'* "smart…yeah.. smart.”*looks down at her feet, embarrassed*

*Spot is choking with laughter* “Whatevah goil, whatevah! Ha Ha!…”

*struggles with his next words* “Who are…ya..ha ha…ya fav..erite actresses?…ha ha!”


Julia Roberts

Nicole Kidman

and Sandra Bullock...widout a doubt..."

“Who da hecks Julia…yer jist weird Wish!”

“Jist ‘cuz I didn’t choose Medda…get it trough ya heads..she ain’t an actress!”

“I ain’t got a ting fah Medda!”*slight blush*

“Yeah dats what alla youse say!”

*clears his throat* “Um…favorite actors?”

*Wish gets deliriously happy*

“Vin Diesel baby!!!

Denzel Washington

Michael Goorjian

Orli! *blushes*… I mean Orlando Bloom

*gladness turns to sadness*

Kevin Smith: Ares God of War!

Kevin Smith will always be the God of War! May he rest in peace." *does the sign of the cross, closes her eyes, and bows her head*

*tears start to form in both Wish and Spot's eyes*

*Spot shakes his head, and blinks his eyes* “Aright ya can stop it now” *snaps his fingers in front of Wish’s face* “Hey! I’m talkin’ ta you!”

*snaps out of her trance of sadness and proceeds to look annoyed at Spot's interruption* “I hoid ya…sheesh, haven't ya hoid of a moment of silence? Oh wait, I fergot who I was talkin' ta, 'Da Biggest Mouth in all a New Yawk!' ”

*mutters under his breath ["She's upset, just let dat comment go"]*

“Come now, chin up goil...okay now what are ya favorite movies?”


My Best Friends Wedding

Operation Condor

Fast and The Furious

Practical Magic


The Anne of Green Gables series

*starts to get stupid happy again*

and dum da da dum…NEWSIES!!!”

“Hey goil! I said what ya favorite movies are not ya favorite people!…Newsies, what a stupid answea!”

“It is an answea!!”

*rolls his eyes* “Ya sure are bright ya know dat Wish?”

*gets a self-righteous look on her face* “O’ coise I am!”

*trying to ignore Wish’s ignorance he continues on* “Favorite T.V. shows?”



Gilmore Girls



“What’s S.N.L.?”

“Nevah mind that…next question.”

“Favorite color?”

“Blue. Are we done yet?”

“No. What are yer favorite tings ta do?”

“Drawin’, Readin’, Playin’ Piano.”

“You play piano?…We don’t even have a piano. We…nevah mind..

I’ll nevah undahstand you…What’s yer favorite music group?”


..and Linkin Park!”

"Oh and JA RULE!...okay so he's not exactly a 'group' but who cares..." *starts babbling on and on*

*interrupts Wish* “Aright let’s roll right trough dese questions…fast answeahs now …Favorite book?”

“Troubling A Star by Madeleine L’engle.”

“How do you spell ‘Sarah’?”


“I take back me statement ya really are smaht!!”


“Do you know how ta read latin?”

“Does pig latin count?”

“Counts fah me!”

“Do ya believe in rock n roll..whateva dat means…?”

“Do da Delanceys stink?”

“I take dat as a ‘Yeah’!”

“Do you love Brooklyn more than Manhattan? Ya best give me da right answeah!” *gives a stern glare*

“O’ coise!”*tries avoids Conlon’s glare*

“What color is ya hair?”

“It’s blue…kiddin’ Black”

“What color are ya eyes?”

“Deys brown...can't ya tell?”


*Wish pouts*

“Stop sulkin'. Okay, would you risk your life for someone else?”

“In a second!”

“Ya spend so much time in Manhattan, are ya sure ya ain’t a Manhattan newsie?”

“Absatively Posalutely!”

“Okay..what’s ya favorite quote?”

“ I don’t swim in your toilet so don’t pee in my pool.”

*smirks* “Last question..what’s ya philosophy of life?”

“Hakuna Matata.”

“Is dat Spanish?”

*stares at Spot like he’s mad* “Hey ya already ast ya last question…I’ll see ya latah Conlon.”

“Not if me boids sees ya foist!”

*Wish leaves the room and sees Skittery asleep by the door*

“Hey Skitt! Wake up! When ya wake up, it’s time ta git up!!!”*kicks Skittery*

*looks at you and puts on a sheepish grin*

“I didn’t know youse guys are still ‘round. *looks back at a groaning Skittery* “I sweah I didn’t kick him…uh…well... will ya look at da time, you'se guys better hurry or you'll nevah get any papes *waves you goodbye and pretends to help Skittery up* "Bye!" *after you leave Skittery is dropped.*


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