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Welcome to the new look of the BCW. I hope you like it. We put a "Site Index" for easier loading for each page to visit. To the left you will find our wrestlers stats. Check them out. Go to our News Flash to find out what has been happening in Bizzare Championship Wrestling.

Soon To Come!

We are working on a project for you. How would you like to see a VIDEO clip of the BCW on this website? Maybe even the stuff from our live shows that you can not get on TV. Give us an Us and let us know what you think of that.

An easier way to keep you up-to-date on the BCW is to join our new Newsletter Mailing list. It is not a weekly Newsletter. You will reaceive on only once a month. You will get the latest in the BCW including wrestlers stats, new shows and the locations.

Please try and sign the "Guestbook" before you leave and give us some comments on anything that you would like. We would live to know what the Fans of the "BCW" think.


The BCW Staff

We here at the BCW, would like to give a big THANK YOU to draac for all his helpful teachings!

Come again if you dare!

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