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Intro to Web Design


FOXTROT by Bill Amend

Chris's Picture My name is Chris Folmsbee, and Welcome to my site! I am a Senior Field Engineer for Fujitsu Transaction Solutions. I am currently attending Kaplan College to hopefully finally obtain an Associates Degree in Computer Information Systems. I am not going to stop there, the Associates is just the first step, I have to prove my knowledge with paper! I enjoy working with technology and desire to learn all there is to know about computers and the industry.

This page was created to demonstrate my understanding of basic HTML that I gained during my Intro to Web Design Course. I have included a resume page and a page about some of my interests. It was not part of the course but the animation at the top of this page is my first attempt at an animated GIF. The images are taken from a comic strip (FOXTROT) that I cut and assembled using Adobe ImageReady 3.0. This page as well as my resume page were created using only notepad and using simple formating techniques.The motorcycle page was created using tables. I have experimented using Dreamweaver 4.0 but decided to keep it simple this time and do the coding from scratch for this project. I enjoyed this class very much and would recommend it to anyone interested in learning HTML.


Motorcycle Page

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