Tales of murder, mystery, magic, voodoo, neden, faygo, hatchets, axes, knives, baseball bats, crowbars, love, hate, good, evil, and uh... other stuff. These stories are all either fan fiction, or 100% original stories with themes that the Juggalos are sure to love. So getcha some Rockin' Rye, a taco or two, kick back in your smoking jacket, put on some mood music, and become enthralled in the literary perversions that only the Juggalo mind can produce!
Submitted Story by: Homicyde

Clown Chronicles Part 2

By HomiCyde

A Promise to Keep

It is now a month later.A month after the brutal murder of a Juggalo named Dangerous aka David Scott.There had been the fake grieving,the people who pretended they new David,pretended they cared about him.And of course,the police had set out to solve the murder as quickly as they could,assuring the supposedly grieving parents that they would not rest until they had caught the animal that murdered their son.They made an arrest,too.They arrested a homeless man that slept in the park.Crazy Zeke,the called him. No one really knew where he had come from,but he had been sleeping in that park for more than five years and he had never harmed anyone.As a matter of fact,everyone always said how kind he was and how sad it was that he ended up homeless.None of them cared enough to help him out though,but that's how the world works isn't it?

So now,after only a month,the whole thing had died down.Our murderers went back to football and girls,the parents and town folks found new gossip,and David,he didn't get to move on.The bastards who were now living it up,driving their 80,000 dollar cars,fucking any preppy bitch they wanted,being heroes of the town because of their football team,they took that from him.

One of our murderers,Bobby Walker,is heading home after a football game.He is driving the Dodge Viper his father,the sheriff,had bought him for his 16th birthday.His family lives back on the outskirts of town,a nice big house sitting on a hill just a mile down the road from Mayor Ayers and his fellow murderer, the mayors son,Danny.As he drives along this dark,lonely stretch of road from town to his house,he is thinking.Not about the murder he helped commit only a month ago,no his mind is on the game he just won. And the girl he is going to fuck after he goes home and changes for their date.He comes around a curve, going way too fast,and something darts from the trees on the left side of the road.He slams on his brakes and jerks the wheel, just missing the man shaped figure.

He comes to a stop when he strikes a tree,his head slamming forward into the window.He loses conciousness,when he wakes back up,his head is aching fiercly and he can feel blood running down his face.He sits there with his eyes closed for a few minutes,trying to overcome his dizziness.When he finally opens his eyes,it takes a moment for them to focus.He can see the crack in the window where his head hit, and beyond that the darkness of the night.But as his eyes begin to focus more,he can see something white in the darkness,seemingly right in front of him.Finally,his eyes come completely back into focus and he sees a face looking into his window.The face is painted and for one terrifying moment,his brain screams "The faggot!He's back!",but then he notices that the face is female.

Finally,he gathers what is going on.There is a girl sitting on the hood of his car,her face painted and her hair in small,tight braids."Who the fuck are you?Get the fuck off my car."he says,angry and in pain. She just sits there,not responding,calmly regarding him with her head slightly tilted to the right.Then he notices that he isn't alone in the car,he looks over and there is a man,face similarly painted with a black ICP hat on,he had seen the same one on David on several occasions.The man is just sitting there,staring at him with empty,solid black eyes.He is a little unnerved,but he is still pissed because he has just crashed his prized car and because two strangers are sitting here,painted up like "the little faggot" used to."What the fuck is going on here?My dad is the sheriff,so I'd recommend that you get your ass out of my car and take that bitch off of the hood."The man continues to stare,but he says "I think you know what's goin on here, murderer."

Bobby feels a slight tremor of fear pass over his body,how do they know?"What the hell are you talkin about?"he says."I'm not a murderer."The man just continues to stare and says "You don't call beating a 17 year old boy to death murder?"Bobby jumps as the man says this "H-how do you know about...I mean,I don't know what you are talking about."he says. "This will go a lot easier for you if you don't lie to us."says the man "You helped murder an innocent boy and you let an innocent homeless man take the blame for it." Bobby opens his door and gets out,asking "Why are you here?What do you want?" But it is the girl on the hood of his car who answers,she only speaks one word,but it scares the shit out of Bobby. "Justice."she says,regarding him with the same tilt of her head."No!"he screams,"Please no,I'm sorry,don't hurt me!"Bobby turns to run but Evil Jess,the girl on the hood,is suddenly standing in front of him.He turns back again,to run the opposite direction,but Butcha,the man from inside the car,is standing there."It's too late for sorry now,murderer."says Butcha,stepping toward Bobby."Now is the time for justice."

Bobby,a lineman on the football team and no small boy,swings a punch at Butcha,connecting solidly with his painted jaw.Butcha's head turns to the side,but he slowly,menacingly turns it back to face Bobby.There isn't a smear in the paint on Butcha's face.Butcha now swings his own punch at Bobby, hitting him in the jaw and knocking him to the ground.Bobby leaps back to his feet,turning toward Jess, thinking she will be weaker and easier to get past.As he comes to face her squarely,she hits him with a hard backhand slap,knocking him to the ground again.He gets back up,screaming in terror and runs right at her again,this time she catches him by the throat with one hand.With the ease of a dog tossing a chew toy,she hurls him across the car,where he slams face first into the gravel on the shoulder of the road.

He rolls over,spitting blood,gravel,and teeth,and tries to get up.But he feels a hard kick slam into his ribs and he falls back to the ground.A hand grabs him by the back of the shirt and yanks him roughly to his feet.He is turned to face Butcha,who slams Bobby back into the passenger side door of his precious viper.Butcha then slams the back of Bobby's head into the car window,shattering it with the tremendous force of the impact.Bobby slides to the ground,barely concious,his vision swimming and his head one big pain.He looks up through the blood and blurry vision and sees Butcha reaching inside the trenchcoat he is wearing.Evil Jess grabs him by the hair and yanks him to his feet again,then shoves him to his knees in front of Butcha.As Bobby looks up,he sees that Butcha is holding a hatchet,the blade gleaming in the moonlight. Bobby begins screaming as Butcha raises that hatchet into the air,and he doesn't stop until he feels a tremendous explosion of pain in his head.Then the darkness comes and the screaming begins anew.

* * * *

The next morning every cop in town is gathered around a car,a blue dodge viper,that sits with it's front end smashed against a tree.Sheriff Walker was the first to arrive on scene,the first to find the body of his only son.Bobby Walker,straight A student,class president,and star lineman of the football team,was found tied with his back to a tree,kneelingwith a black handled hatchet buried in the top of his head.His face was the most terrible distortion of pain and terror Sheriff Walker had ever seen.On the hood of the car,scrawled in Bobby's own blood,is one word. MURDERER.

Part 3 coming soon


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