Tales of murder, mystery, magic, voodoo, neden, faygo, hatchets, axes, knives, baseball bats, crowbars, love, hate, good, evil, and uh... other stuff. These stories are all either fan fiction, or 100% original stories with themes that the Juggalos are sure to love. So getcha some Rockin' Rye, a taco or two, kick back in your smoking jacket, put on some mood music, and become enthralled in the literary perversions that only the Juggalo mind can produce!
Submitted Story by: Moth Man

The First to enter
By: Moth Man

Out in a distant and forgotten cemetery of old holds many of the deceased. These people have lived extraordinary lives and passed away valiantly. But here, the souls have not been judged. Still trapped within the soil, their bodies and caskets rot away but the soul stays. In unending darkness and disability to escape, these souls grow increasingly insane.all in unison. But yet they wait for a special breed of life to set them free.

Somewhere in Detroit, Michigan:
"Ya bitch! Ya like that, do ya like dat?"
"You know I do Jack (groan) but, you got it in the wrong hole."
"Shut up bitch your messin' up my concentration!" (SMACK)

Here is our hero. Not only to us but to his neighbor hood. His name is Jack. 175 lb., Black hair when it grows out (he usually shaves his head.), 22. There has always been something about Jack that never set right. He grew up in the projects but yet he saw what was wrong in his world. He sought to change it. Violent kids he stepped up to, when his friends would steal he would steal it and would give it back to the rightful owner. Right from the get go he righted he wrongs and mended his "community's" wounds in small ways.

Now, he's the shit. Jack is one down ass juggalo. He grew up alone. Now he lives in a rough part of town.alone. His home is an abandoned factory. He occupies it so I guess its not abandoned.

"Iaght Jack. I'm gonna be honest. I cant giving out free neden out all the time. I'm a whore.not a slut." Jack looks at her funny, "And you gotta lay off the crack cuz you offered to have it on the house in the first place!" The prostitute remembers, "Oh yeah, ok. Kay Jack I'm out. I'll keep in touch baby."

"Iaght Shamiquwa," says Jack as he closes his eyes, "you know where to find me if ya need anything." As the hooker leaves Jacks home, Jack thinks about himself. His full name is Juggalo Jack. Went through the courts just to have this as his legal name. Looks around the loft to find his décor is gothic/juggalo/medieval. Letting out a big sigh he walks out to meet the Jones's for supper. Jones's where always kind to Jack especially for the fact that he will do anything for peace in the neighbor hood. Jack always watched the Jones's house from his loft, always watching white people walk by their house. Jack was white himself, but he wishes he was black like the Jones family so he could have reason to hate the KKK.

He approached the house and knocked on the door. Lil' Tanya opened the door. "Hey Tanya," Jack said in a gentle and cheery voice, "am I too late? For dinner time?"

Tanya giggled in shyness, "He he he, no Jack. You're right on time! Take off your shoes and I can take you to your seat. Kay?" "Ok, ok chicken fry." Jack obeyed Tanya's request and took her hand. Tanya was so cute for a little four-year-old. Sassy too. But she always did what Jack told her to.

Jack came around the corner and everyone was seated. The big man at the end of the table was Big Pa: Will. Clock ways around the table was Kraig: 16, Brandy: 21, Tanya's quickly filled seat, LaShayde (she just goes by Shade): 15, Jacks empty seat, and Gina (Big Ma). He sat down and was warmly greeted. After they said grace and dinned on some chicken, mash potatoes, gravy, green beans, rice, biscuits and Faygo, the usual dinner talk went on. "So Jack," announced Will, "how old are you know?"

"I turned 22 today sir." Jack said respectfully. "How come?" Shayde giggled yet not looking up for her plate. Suddenly Jack became uneasy. As Gina got up from the table to check on desert Big pa got a really shitty grin on his face, "Well, we've known you for several years. Never met your family and your damn near one of our own. We never really knew when your birthday was." Kraig started looking suspicious.

Behind Jack, Big Ma said because we wanted to wish ya a happy birthday!" Big Maw brought out a huge cake decorated in black and red with the hatchet man on the top holding 22-lit candles. They all burst into singing happy birthday to Jack. Kraig ran out the door. Going to house to house telling everyone to get their asses to his home and everyone brought a little something for Jack's birthday. One big ass party. Big Pa gave him a crowbar, Kraig gave him a hatchet, Brandy gave him an axe. Tanya gave him hug and a kiss. Shade grabbed his ass and winked at him when no one was paying attention. And Gina gave him a sledgehammer. They partied onto the wee hours of the night until people fell asleep. When Jack woke up the next mourning, he was under a passed out Shade.

"Wut the fuck?" He gently rolled her off and got dressed. When he got to the front door big pa said was awake and said, "Don't worry about it it was ok with us if she slept with ya." Jack got nervous and ran home.

Next time:
Warm Up.


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