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Wednesday, July 10th 2002
Okay so I lied... I DID actually end up doing soemthing FINALLY! Gosh... you would have thought! dang it.... lol they taught me how to bind some stuff so i did that... and then I was asked to write a letter to the landloard to terminate this contract for a certain property of the Office's and then I went to have lunch with the girl that teaches me all the stuff, CK's assistant Jessica...and then after lunch I was asked to go down to the office and this lady asked me to make ... Oops... more work... brb Sunday, July 14th 2002
Uhhh.... yah, so I have no idea what else I was gonna say in the above entry... but anyways, went out with the girls on Friday and Saturday and it was good! Went to Maddog's on Friday and it was great! Although I wish I could have stayed out longer. Kinda torn in between the 2, staying out with my girlfriends and going home to talk to my boy...I wanna stay out with the girls and have fun and stuff but at the same time, he's sitting at home waiting for me and I feel bad enough that he has to wait nevermind waiting for even LONGER.... you know what I mean?! but but not talking to him for one day is not an option Im sorry, I have to talk to him everyday... or else its like... my day is incomplete. But yeah anyways, Saturday we chilled at Hildi's met Miche's boy... the infamous JJ... hahaha, had some great wine and a good chat and I was on my way home talking to Alex. Although I felt terrible cause his day wasnt that great. =( and I wish I knew how to make him feel better but I just didnt. I eventually managed to engage us in a conversation that would take his mind off it and he drifted off to sleep.... awwwww.... so cute!

Anyways, woke up hella late today yet again with Hilda's phone call...but it was all good, and then she told me that my ex was talking to her, and he asked about me and stuff. You would think almost after an entire year, that he'd be ready to talk to me... but I guess not, I think it's a pity how we dont talk anymore. Afterall, we did used to be really good friend's you know? and I always thought we would at least have that, but I guess I was wrong. Hilda was saying how that if I wanted to be his friend bad enough I would make the effort to talk to him. But I think I've done plently to let him know that I'm ready to talk to him, I mean I did before and I think people thought that I wasn't over him and hence Im just hanging onto something which no longer existed, but now that I've have somebody else, I made attempts in the past and he was still reluctant. He did say that one day he'll be able to talk to me... so I'm just waiting for that 'one day' of his to roll around you know? Then Hilda told me to check out his Xanga site cause he had written something interesting and I did, and from my interpretation I think he's found someone else soo, which I'm very happy for him, cause I think being loved is one of the greatest things in the world, and even if not to that extent. Knowing that you mean someone special to someone is something that brightens up your day. But ANYWAYS.... I found out how he felt about some things that I never knew about after we broke up, then it makes me feel kinda bad and Hilda keeps reminding me that he did what he did for me and the better which makes me feel even worse. But I think all in all, everything turned out for the better, I learnt a lot from the past and I am happier where I am now cause I couldn't ask for more in Alex =) So, I hope Jerry finds someone thats makes him as happy as Alex makes me you know?

Ahh... well, just my piece of mind! Well now that my weekend's comming to an end, there's another long week of work... now I wish I didn't have to work sort of. I don't know what it is that I do that tires me out so much! Hilda Im sure, does a lot more and she still has the energy to go out till 4 in the morning (!!!) I know I have CRAZEE friends! There's like all this stuff I wanna do, and I actually dont have time to do it =( but Im not complaining cause I'm learning a lot from interning in that company and it's doing me good! =) So my whole family is going away next week, and I'm home allllllll alone.... *sniff sniff* but then again, it's good being all by myself again, cause lets face it, having all the freedom in college, your parents can REALLY drive you up the wall sometimes. Come to think of it... OooOOoo I have my freedom again... MUHAHAHAHHAHA!

So that's the update of my life....*wink* =)

Monday, July 15th 2002
*sigh* So it's another monday... which means another day of work. It was okay not too bad I was quite occupied in the morning but then in the afternoon... I was SOOOOO damn sleepy! Holy sh*t I was like falling asleep soooooo badly! note to self: must not eat so much at lunch... hahahah its called food coma dude!! hahahahahah annnyyywwaaayyyzzz.... yeah so I DO get paid for this internship I do... WOOOHOOOO!! who da guuurrrrllll.....?!?!? It's not that I get paid that much... but it's better than nothing... so yah Im happy. But then you know what I found out?? That I have to OT tomorrow... cause I have a fricken' briefing to attend to! AND THEN I have this training for a crisis management seminar and it's from fricken 2-7 PM! PM! Holy Cow....I'm only an intern! *sniff sniff*....and then there's a thing that I'm pissed off with, but I don't wanna talk about it. So I have a mad long day tomorrow.... Imma go.

Tuesday, July 16th 2002 the weather SUCKED today... its all like hella dark outside which just DOESNT help when your sitting in an office reading something boring. I dunno, I'm just not a reading person I guess cause I've reading this whole reference about crisis management for companies and I was reading the case study for United Way and Exxon, and yeah.. dude.. I was falling asleep ( yo.. whats new right? hahaha) but yeah I really litterally just sat there reading it for the whole time.. i was just bored! and like all fidgety and stuff.. I guess I should go read up on the KCRC case study that I need to kinda write up the events in chronological order later. But yeah... thats in Chinese which I get even less... hence s'more sleeping... lol I need help dude... my chinese SUX! y'all know that! BUT IMMA LEARN! so HA! anyways, gonna go see 'Lilo and Stitch' tonight!! KEHEE HEEE HEE! So kyooooottttttttt heheheheh I saw the trailer and I was like AHHH!!! heheheheh wanted to watch MIB II but will save that for later as it's not out yet... Ahhhh... so it's peace at home dude! House all to myself! PLAY OOOOOONNNNNNNN PLAYA! hehhehehe... and its confirmed... "SOUL" on saturday at ING... hehhehe it be HOOOT. So as hella bored a day it is already.. I gotta stay till 6pm... *sigh* cause I have this briefing to attend to for this crisis seminar training thing that I gots to attend on FRIDAY... till 7 $&*^(& PM and its all the way in MONG KOK! OUTTA ALL FREAKING PLACES!!!! ARGHHHHHH!!!!! I HATE THAT PLACE! Daaaayyyyuuuuummmmm....dawg maybe I can myself some cheap stuff... hahahhaahha NOT looking forward... Imma be MAD tired... and then Imma be too pooped for a night out... shiieeeetttt... gots to go home and change first too... Aiyoooooo.... lol worry abouts that laters... hehehhee letcha know how the lilo and Stitch go... hee hee... =) do I gotta date?? *wink* heheheh yup! My Girlies!!!! heheheh

Lilo & Stitch was SOOOOOOOOOO cute! You dont undertsand! I just wanted to give the girl a hug hehehehe and Stitch!! Hahahahah should go see it!! It was sooooo cute! heheheeh awww... but then some of it was really sad...=( and you know me and sad parts in movies... ( heehe right Alex?) but yeah and then I went home to chillax for a while and I was mad tired... and then talked to my babe on the phone... he was kinda upset about something, which made me upset, and it was one of those things that you can't do anything about and words are just pointless in that situation...I wish I could be there to comfort him, but I couldn't......=( I hope he's okay....

Wednesday, July 17th 2002
Amber rainstorm warning... ARGHHH why couldnt it be BLACK!!! BWahahahah then I wouldn't have to go to work! Baaahhhh Fat chance...

Had lunch with Xena today, lol it was mad funny! Had fun, invited him to "SOUL" on saturday to ING and he got all excited about it... hahahah HK is the SH*T I tell you... heheheh yeah yeah yeah dont be jealous! Anyways, afterwork the girls came over and we had this lil potluck thing going on and it was awesome, chilled with some Paul Mason, which was VERY good by the way... ahhh yes....and played charades too... hahahha hey! We had a good time Aiiiight??

ALex is still prety upset....=(

Thursday, July 18th 2002
You know the usual... work. I didn't really do anything much, typed up some notes. I was meant to meet Richie for lumch today... but I got ditched, cause he... yeah... lets not talk about that.... he'll tell you for himself... but yeah... so I went to eat lunch as usual... and I get back to work HALF AN HOUR later than the time I should be getting back in... Oh yeah it was like me trying to SNEAK back into the office. Whether someone noticed me or not I dunno...heyyy I had to do something's important okaayy? hahahahah I had to post stuff and besides I had a LATE lunch break hee hee hee.... anyways I had a bunch of meetings to go today and I got off work late again. Went to Queens and saw little kiddies there! ewwwwwwwww!!!!!

Sunday, July 21st 2002
Wow... what a weekend! It was great! I had a good time! here's the update:

Friday: Work was a little unsual, I was only in the office for like 2 hours? and then I went to a meeting and then set out to Mong Kok where we were role-playing this crisis management ( as you may all know from my away messages already!) and it wasnt so bad! i actually had fun! *lol* not too tiring, got off like 6-630ish which really isn't that bad when I expected to be out around 7 or 8. Went home, got ready and met up with the girls at Maddogs, had a good time! saw peeepooo and stuff! but then there were these sleazy guys there... OLD and sleazy by the way... and guys were feeling up girls left and right, damn I felt so violated! 2 guys grabbed my ass... thank god Deepak got my back! *lol* everybody what's kung-fu fighting! hoo-ha-ha! hehehehe.... talked to my babe on the phone, we kinda had this thing but it wasn't really a thing if you know what I mean.... anyways its all sorted out in the end, and I think if anything it only made us stronger =)

Saturday: Oooohhhhh 6 months today!! yayyyeeee!!!! HAPPY 6 MONTHS! *muah* didn't really do all that much, went to ING and had a blast! =) took Xena with me and went with my friends, saw Pika and Cec there and it was great! =) It was like HKIS peepo EVERYWHERE though! it was KWAZY! but it was a good night! hehehehe Missed old times at ING! Didn't get home till like 3:30 =p then I called up Alex at 4 in the morning and talked to him.... oops... hahahaha sowwy baby!! you're the best!! hehehe you'd still talk to me when your all sleepy and stuff!! yayyyeeeee !!!! *muah* I love you! =)

Sunday: uhh... yeah sunday was not so fun... woke up, went to lunch with mom, and then went home to work on some translation stuff, holy cow I was so frustrated with it all..... freakin maybe it hormones.... I was like hardcore flippin up and down... emotional one minute and pissed off the next... hahhaha oops... but Im good now! =) *sigh* more work tomorrow.... aiyoooo.... I was telling my mom my dilema about falling asleep at work and stuff... hahahahahahahha and she was teaching me all this stuff!! lol! coolness. Alex is going down south with his friends.... lucky boy! I wanna go on a holiday! with my friends... to.... urgh... heheheh theres not really anywhere to go... lol but him and his friends should come to Hong Kong... "yeah.. where da party at...." oh well....guesss not....=( did you know that they were giving out free tickets from Taiwan to HK!?!?!? ARGGGHHHHHH!!!!!! aiyoz....Anyways, back to the what I was talking about originally, did you know that the boy's going to Kenting?!?! Fricking beach parties alllll day/night long?!??! OMG Im so jealous! Hellzzzz yeah!! I wanna go to damn beach party!! argh! okay maybe not in the summer though... lol how about a fall/spring beach party?!? lol Take ING OUTDOORS.... gosh the more I talk about beach party the more I want one....*Sniff sniff* and I sit in an office in my boring work clothes... and dosing off in the freezing aircon... gosh... my life sucks.... hahahahah....

Tuesday, July 23rd 2002

So yep, everything's back up on my homepage thank god.. sheesh, I dont actually know what happened. But yeah anyways, so I haven't actually had that much to do at the office this week YET *touch wood* I've been doing a lot of bitchwork, but thats okay cause its just more excuse NOT to be on my arse all day... which is what I USUALLY do.. hehehe but anyways, yesterday I had all this copying/sorting/binding stuff to do and I did it all day which was fine..... lol I had fun hee hee you get to run around and stuff and then I had a meeting to attend at 5pm right? and I have actually SOOOOO much of that stuff to do that I had to turn up late for the meeting.. and I go in thinking that could you know... just be smooth and slide into my seat unnoticed... only NOT... cause the entire meeting stops ( like all 10 of them) including the big bosses and they're all like staring at me... and of course Im like panicking cause heck they're big bosses!! and I like apologize and stuff and tell them how much work I had to do upstairs ( there's 2 floors) and they still look a lil confused and thought I didnt get the message or I forgot....or something... errr...hello?!? I had a lot to do... but yeah...I was like... !!!! so scary... but yeah... that was yesterday...

worked out at the CC and now Im like hurting... Hhehehehe not that Im a masochist or anything but the feeling of hurting after working out is good! meant that it's taking effect.. hee hee hee... I havent worked out for a week... so yeah now I'm hurting....went to Hilda's after and watched a bit of 'Color of the night' - a rather screwed up movie might I add ( even though I've seen it before) and stuffed ourselves with Pizzahut MMMMmmmMMM it was good! ( although yes... there was my work out down the drain! But HEY! I'm hurting!! hehehe) went home and then Alex called at like 1am and he's having a great time in Kenting * jealous jealous jealous* although he's a lobster now... hhahahah but yeah... it was all good, a perfect end to my day! hehehe

Just kinda touched up on my notes for the KCRC/siemens scandal so it was basically just bumming ( heheh hence me sitting here writing on my hp!) but hey! I go to HK Records today and it's the CHEAPEST place they sell the Jay Chou CD... Not ONLY that... you get you standard T-shirt AND the poster!! SCORE!! I NEED to get the CD! You have no idea! I have my Jay Chou cravings... hahahah

Going to see MIB with Krish, Kim and Cen after work, sounds like fun and then some dinner. Sounds like another good end to my day... =) OOOOoooOOOOoo notice I put a message board thingy below, so you guys can comment about my man Im making this Xanga friendly.... ahahaha

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