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Liddle 'Ol Me......

This page is just a little about who I am. I'm sure it's nothing you guys don't know about! But what do you know... you might learn something new about me, it's just a profile. It's sort of another leaver's form I guess... it's different though! Cos there was so much I wanted to say and so many things that I left out ( or they TOOK OUT...grrr) so um this is everything and uncensored ( YAYE!) AND I get a whole bloody page to myself!!!

Name: Helen So, Hiu Wan (Chinese name)

D.O.B: 26th September 1983

Nationality: Chinese/Australian

Family: Mum, Dad, Elder sister (Vivien)

School: Island School Hong Kong, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, USA

Looks: Umm....

Memory Lane: Being a loser in year 8 ( no, like literally), all of the guys spotting throughout my 7 years in high school with Hilda, Hilda's BAD taste in men, Sandra and Hilda's SAD attempt to talk to older guys in the year above, Stalking Dominic Copper...., Singing sessions with KHYMEE!!!, Friday nights out with the girls! 23/10/1998, my beach party and 20 odd people sleeping everywhere at my place...., Tuition at AMG and talking about Darryl with Alli, getting to know the people in the year above, hanging out with Kar,Gav and Karmy in DB in weird hours, prefecting year 7 camp, 7:00 ferry rides to school with Tam and Gatherer!, Summer '98 when joyce came and was choy-natic, summerbridge 2000, swimming at 4:00am in school with Allie, Biology lessons with Tom and Ben, friday girly movie fiestas, weird/random video taping sessions, Conrad dinna with HKH! Mother's Choice!, walking down to PP with Hong and Siew, taking care of drunk ones, summer '01

Likes: Having a mobile phone, my girlies: Hilda, Kam, Mich, KK, Kimmie, Allie. arcades, flowers, dressing up for occasions, lingerie shopping, sessions with Marce, marathon phone calls, late night phone calls, sleeping, food, shopping in general, singing, laughing fits ( till the abs hurt), babies, R&B/ballad music, ICQ, internet, being in love, being loved, sun, cuddles, picture/photos, lip gloss, DMCs, wining and dinning, shopping, puppies, sleeping, summer spring, people recognising my efforts, reading girly magazines, smiles, hyperactivity, all my friends (yes you!)

Dislikes: LDR, fights, uncertainty, arrogant - self centered people, wannabes, racisim, friend fall outs, crying, phoneyness, rainy days, rude people, Beef, FROGS!, dissapointments, toes, not being able to make cool homepages, running out of batteries!!, laziness, pointless arguments (VIVIEN), uni rejections, lossing things..., moodiness, awkwardness, boredom, walking out of the house without my phone, when computer crashes, bad hair days, loneliness, being so far from marce, good byes, unreasonable people, being tired, dirtiness, breakouts,hk summers, sweat, sticky/grubbiness,

College Life: International Orientation and meeting the Taiwanese guys!, monday-wednesday-Friday lunches at Stockwell with the TAS groupie, Jacqui and our conversations, Weisen and our crazy ideas, my roomie Oyin, Chillin with Kristy and Sarah on 6th Klein, my sessions with Kristie - my RA, Quality time with Deepak!, the random things I do with Em!, PLEDGING, IOTAS!, Upsilons, Thanksgiving at the Hilliards, aKDPHi, sharing my pains with Alex, My install night and the afterparty, Spring break in SoCal with Cher, Liat and Kam, Convention 2002 - Austin TX, Spending extra time with the Houston girls, Car rides with Carol and shopping with Amy! 1/20/2002, Alex. =)

Famous Quotes:

" you guys never do anything for me!!! " - Hilda; when both Kam and I wouldn't go to LA cafe with her

"glub, hop, Blip...." - Allison ; ICQ madness

" I need a chick..." - Hong ; In the lonely times

" Diu nar star " - Hilda

" I don't know how to swear cause I'm such a good boy... NO SERIOUS! " - Jerry

"KUNG HEI FAT CHOY!!!" - Richie ; Richie's chat up line

" Noo! It's okay!! I have bad taste in guys but my taste in movies are good!!! " - Hilda

" I'm always happy...." - Vinni

"CHOOOOIIIII!!!!!!" - Richie


"Sorry monkey dai to chi! " - Vinni

*walks with a slight bounce and a big cheery smile* "Good Morrow!" - Cheng Hong Leung ; Bright an early in the morning as he strolls into McDonalds.

"I think I fancy a swim!" - Siew

"Shoo fly don't bother me..." - Milky ; in her southern accent

"Uuuuuuuuu MICH,uuuuuu KNOW!" - aKDPhiLAMBDA CHAPTER!

"BMW 7 cities, N*ggaz...." - Carol