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Bavarian Mist Weimaraners And Its Beginning!

By Dassah Nygren

The Bavarian Alps

Back in 1989 my husband and I were about to buy a home in Livermore, California. During that time there was great price war for homes. Interest rates were the highest ever. Houses were selling within hours. Sometimes two families would buy a house and outbid everyone. Well, I guess we got really lucky. We found a nice home with a large backyard. My husband and I wanted a dog. He wanted a Wiener dog and I wanted a Weimaraner. I am quicker than him and I started my journey into looking for a Weimaraner. At the time I could not find a single breeder, mostly did not know where to look. Remember this was 1989. I did talk to some real interesting characters that I would not buy a flea from.

Then by a miracle, I got in touch with a woman in Los Gatos. I spoke with her about my need for a Weimaraner. At first she was not sure about me, due to all the strange calls she must receive. However I knew she could help me find a Weimaraner. So I call her back determined to do whatever it took. At that point, she felt at ease and gave a name of a Breeder in Rhode Island. I called her, and she said if you get one of my puppies, you will have to show. I said Okay! My neighbor raised Goldens and she was able to help me. My neighbor Susan even showed “Ashha” until I got the hang of it or found a handler. Since then my husband has handled many of our dogs to their wins.

So Ashha came to us! She is very beautiful -- great personality -- loves to swim Hunt and go on 4 wheeler adventures. We love her to death. Ashha is 15 years old now and is a great-grandmother.

All her kids / grandkids and great grandkids are finished champions or are almost finished. One of her sons earned his TD, NSD. In the family we have National Futurity Champions, Group Placers. Ashha herself is an Am/Can Champion and was #2 in Canada We have been blessed with Ashha! All her kids / Grandkids / Great Grandkids

Darby, Tanner, Kenna, Quira, Schnapps, Meggie, Dinah, Maggie, Bentley, Max, Brady, Inga, Enya,

Great Grand Kids: Breeder: Stephanie Russell: Skyy, Calmus, Love, Dae, Gryf, Harvey

We love each and every one of these kids. I can only hope that they all can give the love that Ashha shown for us. There will be no other Ashha! A huge Thanks to Ms. Judy Colan of Colsidex Weimaraners for letting Ashha into our lives. Thanks to Ashha we have Tanner, Quira, Simon, Duran and somehow we got Skittles the cocker in there.

Ashha loves Pizza, Spaghetti, Loaves of Bread, Sitting by A Warm Fire! We Love You Ashha!

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