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Chat Rooms Chat Room
24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Breast Cancer Support ( Chat Room
The chat room is very active each night beginning around 8:30 Eastern Standard time till?
Normally, there are 8-15 survivors in the chat room around 9:00-9:30 pm.
It takes awhile for the Java applet to load, so please be patient.

Pillars of Hope Chat Room
Designed to provide visitors with a safe environment to learn more about breast cancer and receive support
Monday 6 - 9 PM CST -  Patients Needing Support
Tuesday 6 - 9 PM CST - Supporting Friends in Need
Wednesday 6 - 9 PM CST - General Chat (any topic besides cancer!)
Thursday 6 - 9 PM CST - Patients Needing Support
Friday 6 - 9 PM - CST General Chat
Saturday 5 - 8 PM CST - Patients Needing Support
Sunday 6 - 9 PM CST - Supporting Friends in Need

Message Boards Message Board

Living Beyond Breast Cancer Message Board Message Board

The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Message Board
