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Chemically Induced Menopause

Menopause induced by chemotherapy or other chemicals or medications.

Chemical menopause is a type of "induced menopause", menopause induced by an unusual event, such as may also occur when the ovaries are damaged by radiation or when the ovaries are surgically removed (by bilateral oophorectomy).

Induced menopause, chemical menopause included, is distinct from natural menopause which occurs when the ovaries naturally decrease their production of the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone; there are no menstrual periods for 12 consecutive months; and no other biological or physiological cause can account for this phenomenon. Menopause is the end of the childbearing years, the finale of fertility. (The basis for the "12 consecutive months" criterion for menopause is that, until 12 months have passed without a period, a woman may still become pregnant).

Induced menopause, due to the abrupt cutoff of ovarian hormones, causes the sudden onset of hot flashes and other menopause-related symptoms such as a dry vagina and a decline in sex drive. Early menopause (before age 40)carries a greater risk for heart disease and osteoporosis since there are more years spent beyond the protective cover of estrogen.

When the levels of hormones normally produced by the ovaries suddenly drop, changes associated with the menopause promptly take place: hot flashes (a sudden warm feeling with blushing), night sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness, fluctuations in sexual desire (libido), forgetfulness, trouble sleeping and fatigue, probably from loss of sleep.

Estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) may be used to treat induced menopause. It reduces or stops the short-term changes of menopause such as hot flashes, disturbed sleep, and vaginal dryness. ERT can prevent osteoporosis, a consequence of lowered estrogen levels. To keep bones strong, ERT should be taken from menopause throughout a woman's life. Stopping ERT allows bone loss to resume.

ERT reduces the risk of heart disease up to 50%. Vaginal ERT products help with vaginal dryness, more severe vaginal changes, and bladder effects but, since very little vaginal estrogen enters the circulation, it may not help with hot flashes or prevent osteoporosis and heart disease.

The use of unopposed ERT (ERT alone) is associated with an increase in the risk of endometrial cancer (cancer of the lining of the uterus). However, by taking the hormone progestogen along with estrogen, the risk of endometrial cancer is reduced substantially. Progestogen protects the uterus by keeping the endometrium from thickening (an effect caused by estrogen). The combination therapy of estrogen plus progestogen is called hormone replacement therapy (HRT).    Menopause-Online
