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July 1819

Chapter 1
The Arrival

The old grandfather clock struck 4 p.m. as Ophelia entered the well-lit lobby of her dear friend Chloe Angelis’ place of residence. Chloe lived with her elder brother Nicholas in a picturesque inn near Vienna, but when Ophelia arrived in town, she saw nothing but unhappiness and a dreadful storm. The rainfall slashed down like splinters of glass and it seemed to pierce directly into her ailing heart. She had missed one of the most imperative days of her young life -- her father’s funeral.

Ophelia’s heart beat a thunderous song of melancholy, her tears trickled down her cheeks like the ghastly rainwater, and her future seemed to haze over in whirlwinds of gray fury. An eternal dispute had begun between her and the heavens and she could only dread the change that she imagined would occur before her. There would be no more safe retreat in her father’s loving arms, nor any kind words from the man who meant the world to her. She had been left alone with no other relative to turn to so thus; she arrived at the Inn on Chloe’s hasty request.

The journey had been dreadful and now that she was there at the Inn, a sudden feeling of regret flashed over her tear-stained face. She could not get over the fact that she had missed her father’s burial and she feared that he would be just as upset at her as she was for her tardiness.

Trembling with sorrow, Ophelia silently made her way to the front desk, hardly seeing through her black mourning veil and blur of tears. No glint of joy could be seen in her dark brown eyes, only specs of fatigue and frailty. A small elderly man at the front desk glanced up from the outspread newspaper before his eyes, when he felt her quiet presence. He smiled at her with happiness.

“Afternoon my dear Fraulein. Please sign into the guest-registry.” He said as handed her a large leather bound book and a quill-pen. For a long moment she stood at the desk, staring at the book until she heard a familiar voice calling out to her.

She looked up and saw Chloe rushing down the stairs with a huge smile on her pretty face and a long braid of black-hair bouncing behind her. Chloe’s green eyes shown tears when she finally hugged her dear friend. “Ophelia, how terrible it was to hear of your father’s sudden departure! Nick and I tried to contact you sooner, but the first letter had been returned to us.” She hugged Ophelia tighter. “Oh, it is so good to see you again. You must be ill with exhaustion...Would you like to come to the apartment?”

Ophelia pulled her veil away from her face and gave her friend a half-smile. She had longed to see Chloe and Nicholas for almost a year. They had been old friends from her sweet and dreamy childhood, but the three friends lost direct contact over time, only being able to meet every two years and write letters of never-ending friendship.

“How wonderful it is to see you, Chloe.” Murmured Ophelia. “But, I am fatigued with sorrow and the journey was long. I cannot show a smile of true happiness for most of my happiness has died away.”

“I understand what you are saying and I am not upset by it. Come now, and I shall show you to our apartment...” Chloe turned to the elderly man. “Herr Schmidt, she need not sign in. Ophelia is staying with Nicholas and I.”

“Of course, Chloe.” He replied. “Does she have any baggage that need be brought inside?”

“Yes, it’s still in the carriage.” Answered Chloe.

“I shall retrieve them and bring them to your apartment then.” Said the man, rising from his seat behind the desk and covering himself with his coat.

“Thank you, Herr Schmidt.”

“No matter, Chloe.” He retreated, out into the cold and stormy weather.

“Come along, Ophelia. Nick shall be excited to see you.” And Chloe linked arms with the young woman in all black, guiding her up the grand staircase to the second floor apartment that she called ‘home’.

Chapter 2
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