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August 1819

Chapter 10
More to Love

“The water is calmer than it had been earlier this morning.” Ludwig remarked upon their arrival at the brook. Everything about Ophelia could be seen in a new light as she turned to Ludwig with a smile. The sunlight seemed to add a sort of celestial haze over her features and her hair took on an angelic golden hue like that of the sun itself. Her young eyes twinkled as Ludwig took hold of her hands and brought them up to his lips, kissing them softly. “Ophelia” He whispered, taking her into his arms and bringing her head down to rest against his shoulder. “I’ve hardly experienced such kindness from a woman as you and I feel that I am a problem to your future. My health has not been well for most of my adult years, to be truthful, my deafness has left me in a void. I fear that I must return to Vienna, anyway, for Karl’s sake. But, I cannot exactly endure leaving you here. I want you to come with me.”

Ophelia looked up into his face with worry in her eyes. Ludwig kept his eyes fixed on her suffering young face with sudden remorse. Holding onto her tighter, he caressed her cheek with the back of one of his strong hands. “I do not mean to upset you, if I have. It was merely a suggestion. I truly don’t wish to leave, but if my health does not improve, I must get along and return to Vienna.”

Ophelia heaved a sigh and looked away, her eyesight dreary from tears.

“Whatever does happen to me, I promise that you’ll always have a place in my heart and at my home. I’ve grown attached to you, Ophelia. I cannot let you hurt on my behalf.” He wiped a stray tear from her eyes with the edge of his thumb. “I love you as I’ve not loved a woman for many years. You’ve brought out the best in me. Oh, how much I love you, Ophelia.”

Putting a finger to his lips, Ophelia tried to silence him. “Please don’t say anything more. I am pained just to hear of it. I love you too.”

“Why do you silence me? You do not approve of my adoration for you?” He asked with confusion and some amount of hurt.

“No, Ludwig. I love you also.” Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed his cheek tenderly. He let out a gasp as her soft lips ventured down his cheek and onto his chin. His flesh ached with yearning.

Placing his rough hands upon her rosy cheeks, he brought her face nearer to his own and closed his mouth over her pink lips, letting his tongue delve around in her fleshy mouth, to taste her true sweetness. He slid his hands down her spine and up again, grasping her by the waist and pressing her closer to his own body. He did not wish to let go, but she slowly pried herself away from him, sinking to her knees on the green grass below them. She took hold of Ludwig's hand and pulled him down beside her.

Such passion tempted the both of them to proceed into more kissing, but they feared that it would lead to much more than they had both wished at the time. They felt refreshed as they sat side by side, looking into each other’s eyes. Ludwig laid on his side, sitting up on his elbow, and pillowing his head in his hand. With contentment, he watched Ophelia breathe in heavily and put a hand to her heart. He smiled as she took of her bonnet, let down her hair, and kicked off her tight black boots.

Dipping her bare feet into the rushing water, Ophelia kicked them about, splashing the crystal liquid into the air, drenching the bottom of Ludwig’s pant-legs and her dress. Ludwig let out a good hearty laugh and kicked off his own boots.

“You’ve helped me to be young again, Ophelia.” He said, after splashing his own feet in the brook. “You truly are an angel.” Ophelia grinned and leaned her face towards his, kissing him once more. He returned the gift with his own fervent kisses all over her young face until they reached her lips with relief. He seemed to suck the life out of her, causing her to gasp for air when they finished.

“Do you love me?” He finally asked with nothing but seriousness in his voice. His eyes grew wide with anticipation as she jumped to her feet in surprise.

“Why do you ask? Of course I love you!” She exclaimed, nodding her head vigorously in the affirmative. Ludwig chuckled and pat the ground beside him with his free hand.

“I love you also.” He said. “Please, why did you rise? Sit down here with me.” He retrieved the bulk of a conversation book from his frockcoat pocket and carelessly threw it aside. Ophelia sat down on his request, leaning against the huge oak-tree behind her. With a smile, she pat her thigh and Ludwig turned on his back, resting his head in her lap.

The weight of his head felt good in Ophelia’s lap. She felt like a queen, the happiest woman in all of Austria. Ludwig had made her life very much different than she had anticipated it to be. The death of her father had left her in despair, she hadn’t thought of ever falling in love and being loved in return. This concept was new to her and she adored every minute of it as if it were the most luxurious thing in the world.

With a sigh, Ludwig closed his eyes and Ophelia’s small fingers began to massage his temples. All the tension in his body seemed to dissolve in the thick liquid of adoration that he possessed for the young woman who had made his days worth living and he wished he could stay alongside the brook with her forever. He was slowly forgetting the real world, the world that so often treated him unfairly. Compassion had been seldom, before Ophelia. As he thought back to his sad life before her arrival, he had been a disgruntled old man, but now he was a joyous young lover. He had no other cares in the world, other than Ophelia’s comfort and cheerfulness. Even his loss of hearing didn’t seem to worry him.

I’m improving in my ways of life. He thought with a smile. I am well, not ill. I am loved...Ophelia deserves everything that life can offer her. She deserves to be treated as a goddess. First thing tomorrow I shall begin to keep my appearance like that of an elegant gentleman. I shall keep my posture as if I am a king, the king of music of course. Besides, don’t I have every right to stand tall and proud? I deserve the love I am receiving. Oh this happiness that I feel excessively in my heart is the kind of medicine I truly needed. If only things could stay this way for eternity...what a life that would be.

Chapter 11
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