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July 1819

Chapter 4
A Gods Angel

Ludwig entered the dining hall that evening, during a party. He hated being in the presence of so many people but he had not eaten for the whole day and his stomach would not forgive him if he waited any longer. Nothing could stop him from getting a little something to eat as he took a seat at his usual table in the corner and ordered simple soup.

He decided to keep his complaints to himself, hoping to stay unnoticed, though he wished to outburst that the cook was trying to poison him with meat that had not been thoroughly cooked and an awful sour wine.

Feeling the presence of another, Ludwig hoped that that someone would be Ophelia, but as he looked up from his soup, he found that it was not. A young man stood at the other side of the table, leaning forward with a grin on his lips.

“Good evening, ole’ chap.” Said the young man, still smiling. “Herr van Beethoven is it?”

Ludwig groaned, ignoring the young fellow. He did not want the stranger’s company.

“Silly me,” the man glanced back at his friends. “Well, if he be Beethoven, he be stone deaf!” They began to laugh, pointing at the tired composer. Beethoven looked up, slightly annoyed that he was being displayed at such a gathering.

“What do you want?” He asked the young man in a growl.

“Herr van Beethoven…would you care to grace us with a sonata or two?”

“Yes, GRACE US Herr van Beethoven!” The others cried in unison as the young man bowed at Ludwig and laughed harder.

“Gerard, what use is it to try and speak with him? He cannot hear you!” The man’s wife announced, taking her husband by the arm.

“Aw, don’t be a poor sport darling.” And Gerard pushed his wife aside, continuing his rudeness. “Come along Beethoven, play something for us!” He urged while laughing, and slightly shoving Ludwig out of his chair. “Play something MAESTRO!”

Chloe cleared her throat from behind the men. “Excuse me, gentlemen. Or is it gentleman? For I only see one man here and he is trying to dine.”

“Siding with the composer, eh?” Gerard asked, slapping her cheek playfully. “Silly little wench.” His friends laughed along. Surprised by Gerard’s actions, Ludwig rose from his seat and watched as Nicholas entered the circle, halting at his sister’s side.

“Is there a problem here?” Nicholas asked, eyeing Gerard specifically.

“Not a problem, chap!” Gerard replied, patting him on the back and turning towards Ludwig once more. “But, our gentle composer ain’t gonna play for us! Pity it is.”

“Then, leave him be. Let him eat in peace.” Nicholas mumbled gravely.

“He’d be eatin’ in peace anyway, chap! He’s STONE DEAF!” He replied. “Practically dead.” More laughing engulfed the room, forcing Chloe to get upset.

“Oye, leave Beethoven alone you imbecile!” She growled. Nicholas tried to calm her down, but it was too late. She chain had been yanked to the end.

“Leave the girl alone.” Ludwig said to Gerard, when noticing Chloe’s behavior, thinking that they had begun to bother her too.

Gerard laughed at his misunderstanding. “Aw, look everyone, he’s speaking! Good ole’ chap! Good boy! Have we upset you MAESTRO?” And he once again pushed Ludwig, this time sending the tired man back into his seat with sudden aching in his stomach. “Come on Ludwig. Come and play!” Ludwig tried to get up once more, but Gerard took hold of his shoulders, keeping him still.

“Okay, no that’s enough!” Nicholas pried the young man from Beethoven.

“Aw, we only want to hear him play and make a fool of himself once more!” Gerard whined. “Come on chap. Don’t you wish to hear his dreadful music? It would be marvelous entertainment.”

“He may play if he so pleases, but if he does not wish to, leave him be.”

Ludwig stood up; ready to retreat the room, but he could not. The group closed in tighter around, making him unable to squeeze by.

“Excuse me. Pardon me.” Ludwig mumbled as Gerard jumped in front of him.

“Well, let him through.” Nicholas ordered.

“Nah, we wanna hear him play. Once he plays we shall let him leave.” He grabbed Ludwig by the shirt. “Come on! Humiliate yourself!”

“Let go of me, you pompous ass! You drunken little bastard!” And Ludwig punched the young fellow in the nose, making him stagger back into his supportive crowd with surprise. “Have you no manners?!”

Gerard still stood laughing. “Hey, Beethoven! Why’d you do that? Are you insane?” Gerard rammed into him again.

“Get out of my way you ass! You bloody malicious scamp!”

“Truly man! Let go of the maestro!” Nick pulled Gerard away from Ludwig, upset to see such a rude young fellow. Beethoven thanked Nicholas and he straightened himself to his feet as the crowd seemed to thin and scatter at the ends. Then her saw her standing in the doorway. He smiled as he saw her sweet face. Her lips rouged and her eyes a deep and sparkling brown. Her hair, done up in tendrils, hanging down her rosy cheeks.

Ophelia entered the room with confusion set in her twinkling eyes. The crowd of laughing drunks seemed rather uncanny to her. All she thought about was Ludwig. She lived and breathed everything she could possibly remember from their encounter earlier in the day. His eyes had been grave but kind, his lips curved in a delightful smile. He was handsome in his appearance to her, but his movements were clumsy. She thought there was nothing to despise about him, only things to love. He was a true man and he did not pretend to be someone he was not. He hadn’t tried to impress her or lead her on in lies. He was truthful and good at heart.

Gerard turned his gaze in Ophelia’s direction and grinned back to his group. “Seems to me that the composer is nursing some secret passion for this pretty young vixen!” They all laughed and watched the young woman as she steadily moved past them, towards Chloe.

“What’s going on?” She asked her friend, in a low whisper.

“These men came up to Beethoven while he was eating. They were being extremely rude.” Chloe replied with a frown.

Ophelia looked to the quiet composer and let out a sigh. During her entrance he had sat back down and had continued to hold his side while staring at the ground. All eyes focused on Ophelia as she made her way towards Ludwig with one of her gloved hands covering her mouth.

“He has a lover!” Gerard hissed. “Aw, how sweet!” And he batted his eyes at her as she walked past him, trying to ignore his rude announcements and awful grinning. She knelt down beside Ludwig, putting a hand on one of his own in his lap. She gazed up into his dark eyes with worry.

“Sir, are you well?” She whispered. “What’s wrong? What have they done to you?”

Ludwig looked down at her pretty face with a smile. “Madam, you have come to my rescue.” And he laughed quietly, his eyes slightly hazed over with tears. “You must be an angel…”

“No, not at all.” She replied, shaking her head with blushing cheeks.

“Surely you jest, Madam! His little angel! Comes to his rescue!” Gerard exclaimed, taking her suddenly by the arm and standing her upright. “Have you come to his rescue little one?”

Ophelia tugged her arm free from his hands, her eyes dark with fury. “Oh, do SHUT UP!” She yelled. “What has this poor man done to deserve this torment?!”

Chloe crossed her arms. “Now, you’ve made her mad you ass.”

Ophelia rambled on in outrage. “I swear you are such a disgusting rat! He has done nothing, you see! He is not a monster and he does not deserve to be treated as one. How can something evil and wretched make such beautiful music? You should all be truly ashamed in yourselves.”

“Aw, trying to scare us off!”

“Go off! Leave him alone for pity’s sake!”

More laughing escaped Gerard and his company. Finally Chloe could not take the thunderous guffawing. “May I please hit him, Nicholas?” She asked her brother softly. Nicholas smiled and agreed. Without another word, Chloe marched up to the ringleader and punched him square in the jaw. He fell back, more blood, this time from his mouth. “You really are being a prick.”

Gerard stood for a moment in complete and utter awe before continuing to make a scene. “Come on sweet stuff, we only want him to play something for us!” He exclaimed to Ophelia.

She crossed her arms. “What is this nonsense? You never asked him to play for you!”

“Little mouse, we did ask him to play…we clearly questioned if he would grace us with a number!”

“And it is clear that he did not wish to! Do not push him into it!” She cried, still furious. “Be gone with you!” She looked to Beethoven. “Are you well?”

“Pardon? I am fine… But I am sorry to have started this. It is my fault completely, and I should be the one to exit.” Ludwig mumbled, tiredly gesturing to the exit, but slowly closing his eyes as his hand went back limp in his lap.

“No, it’s not your fault. You only wished to eat. Nothing should stop you from doing so.” And she looked back up at Gerard and his crew. “All you idiots with the bloodhound…RETREAT this instance!”

“And if we do not comply, your highness?” Asked Gerard, bowing to her.

“Then I shall hang you all with the ropes of my malicious temper!”

“Fraulein, that won’t be necessary.” It was Herr Schmidt. “The party is over. Everyone leave this place at once. I have heard enough to banish you all from this Inn.”

“Come on, ole’ man!” Gerard whined to Schmidt. “We aren’t going to make a ruckus anymore! I swear it.”

Herr Schmidt let out a groan of irritation. “We’ve all heard enough from you, Gerard! Your father shall be hearing about this one in no time.” The old man, tugged at his white beard as if thinking up a good lie to tell Gerard’s daddy. “Suppose, you should be leaving then. Shows over, go along!” And Schmidt pushed the crowd out of the dining hall, through the lounge, and out the door, leaving Chloe, Nick, Ophelia, and Ludwig to themselves.

“Suppose we should get along too.” Nicholas mumbled, looking from Chloe to Ophelia and then to the composer’s mane of heavy hair. “It does feel rather late.”

“Yes, I do agree.” Ophelia answered, rising to her feet beside Ludwig. She put a hand on his shoulder and he looked up. “Shall we escort you to your home?” She asked him, with a smile. He gave her a blank look, taking a small leather-bound book from his pocket, along with a fat pencil.

Chloe watched the two of them, eagerly waiting for one of them to speak.

“Please, Madam.” Ludwig said, half-shy. “I cannot hear you…please write.”

Ophelia obeyed without ado, writing down what she had asked him in a soft script. He read as she wrote, noting everything and then smiling up at her with understanding.

“Yes, that would be very kind of you all.” He said. Ophelia smiled with joy and turned to the Angelis’.

“So, shall we go then?” She asked.

“Yes, of course.” Chloe answered, taking up her skirts and taking Nicholas’ arm. Ophelia gently linked arms with Ludwig then, and all four of them made their way to the second floor apartments.

“Chloe, I am truly very proud of you for standing up to that awful crowd. And Ludwig must appreciate it also, I assume.” Ophelia announced as the two girls retreated into their apartment. Nicholas had gone down to the lobby to speak with Herr Schmidt about the scene that had taken place not long before, so they were alone.

Chloe shrugged her shoulders at her friend’s compliment. “I only did the right thing. Nothing to shout about, Ophelia.” She said, plopping down on the sofa for a mere second and then stretching up once more. “And I don’t think the bloke really cared anyway. He a disgruntled idiot…”

“Now, now! That is not very nice to say about him. He’s only misunderstood. Please don’t judge him without seeing who he truly is.”

“All right, I’ll give him a try.” Chloe mumbled, not wanting to argue. “But you did not persuade me into thinking that he’s not a jerk. I’ve seen some pretty mean things.”

“I understand and I truly don’t blame you. His hostility is another way to connect with people, I suppose. Well, other than his music…”

“Yes, whatever you say Ophelia.” She paused. “I’m tired, so I am going to retreat to bed. Goodnight…”

“To bed already? Oh, but must you?”

“Yes, I’m exhausted. I didn’t get any sleep last night. It was much to loud to sleep and this morning’s adventure with the mud had not been pleasant either.”

“I see.”

“Aren’t you tired also?”

“Not very much, but if you must go to bed, then do so and leave me.”

“Are you all right with my leaving you with Nicholas?”

Ophelia laughed. “Oh, you goose! Why would I care?”

Chloe shrugged. “I have no idea. My mind is working overtime. Goodnight then.”

“Goodnight, pleasant dreams.” Ophelia replied with a smile, and Chloe silently disappeared into her dark bedroom.

Moments later, Nicholas returned from the lobby and heaved a sigh as he sat down at the sofa. He kicked off his boots and shook off his overcoat. Ophelia let out a small giggle and plopped down in the armchair beside him.

“You do make quite a stunning entrance.” She jested, with a grin. He turned his gaze towards her twinkling eyes and couldn’t help but smile on his own.

“So do you.” He replied. “Beethoven’s eyes sparkled with joy upon your arrival this evening. You truly made some sort of impact on that old man’s way of life. How’d you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Make him act so dazed.”

She laughed. “I honestly don’t have a clue, but I was kind to him. I believe I’ve been the only kind person he has encountered lately.”

“I’ve been kind.”

“Not sincerely, only when he has been up and about. Other than that, you’ve been a terrible fusser.”

Nicholas shrugged his broad shoulders and smiled once more. “Ophelia, I think it is safe to say that you have changed since last time we’ve seen you. You are very beautiful and quite a saint!”

She blushed at his flattery. “Why must you say so?”

“You are very sweet to everyone…Beethoven is truly blessed by God to have an angel like you to help him out.” He paused. “Perhaps I have been wrong about him, but I still don’t exactly trust him with all my heart.”

“I don’t expect you to.” She said, heading towards her room. Nick followed behind her.

“I know it.” He said. “But I just don’t want you to get hurt or mixed up with the wrong sort of crowd. There are mean people out there.”

“Nicholas, you really don’t understand my goodness…and I do believe that this composer has righteousness burrowed deep in his heart. Listen to his music and you shall see. He’s just like everyone else, you know.” She paused with a frown. “Please don’t call me a saint. I only came when I was needed. Beethoven is the true beneficiary to all your good words.”

“No, you are a true saint! You are just being modest.”

“Maybe so, but he still does deserve to be treated as an equal or rather, a god himself. I know he does. I understand him, he only needs some true and hearty words along with someone to make a connection with.”

“And you wish to be that person, am I correct?” Nicholas crossed his arms, a little skeptical that she was speaking truth, and hoping she was only teasing. But he knew she was not.

She smiled at him. “I am that person. I shall make him very happy. You shall see.”

“There are no doubts in my mind that say you would not make him happy, but he is not decent. He is not of wealth like you.” Nicholas took her by the arm and looked her straight in the eyes. “Ophelia, he is not like you. He will never be like us. You really don’t realize how much pain you are already conflicting upon yourself.”

“Have you no compassion, Nicholas?” She growled, pulling away from his grip in a hurt tone. “You don’t understand my need to do good. Nicholas, Papa is dead and I must try to make a difference in someone else’s life now! There is nothing wrong with my wishing to help this poor man.”

“Ophelia, he’ll ruin you! He’s deaf! He cannot hear a word you say to him.”

“That doesn’t matter. He is a genius.”

“And Ophelia,” Nicholas hesitated, taking her by the hand. “Ophelia, he’s ill.”

“With a virus and only a virus. He will get better.”

“Not true, dear. Yes, it is only a virus, but he is often trying to fight these sicknesses.” Explained Nicholas. “His system is weak and I’ve overheard some amount of conversation with his doctor these past two days. Beethoven is experiencing one of the last years of his life now. He most likely only has about three or four more years left. And if we're lucky, possibly six or seven! Yes, he may live longer if he takes his medicines, but he has not. He refuses to take them more than once. He is not getting any better. He’s slowly killing himself. If you ever did happen to marry this fellow, he'd widow you! Ophelia, you are losing your mind!”

“Lies, untrue gossip! You are a fool, Nicholas. He will be fine and I shall ask him out for a walk tomorrow morning.” Ophelia decided, crossing her arms. “And tomorrow I shall see what he truly is feeling. His goodness will overshadowing his imbecile ways.” She pushed Nicholas out the door. “And his goodness shall overshadow you too.”

“Ophelia!” He exclaimed, but she slammed the door in his face, upset that he had the audacity to tell her that she was losing her mind, trying to work with a hopeless case. Surely she was not…

Chapter 5
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