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July 1819

Chapter 6
An Ambling We Will Go

“The country always does some good to my health. I will be well enough again in no time.” Said Ludwig as he and Ophelia marched out into the warm July sun. The trees sang softly as a breeze blew threw their branches and the birds twittered in the branches, accompanying the trees instrumental with a choral. Life as they knew it was at one of its finest moments.

Ophelia covered her head with her bonnet and quietly walked along side the composer, trying her best to keep up with his sudden and wild pace. He had his hands clasped behind his back as he sauntered through the trees and wild flowers around the grounds, filling his congested lungs with the fresh summer air. The wind blew through his mane of dark-hair and he let out a sigh of contentment.

“How much I love nature.” He crooned, reaching out to feel the bumps in the bark on a huge and ancient tree trunk. “It feels wonderful to get away from everything and come to such a safe retreat…Mother Nature always has her arms outstretched to every soul. She feeds us in her bosom and whispers to us that we shall never be exiled from her loving embrace.” He stopped in his tracks, rotating his front towards Ophelia.

He smiled at her and she felt a sudden hotness on her cheeks. She did not know whether it was the sun warming her, or his godly gaze. Ludwig extended one of his hands to her and she froze for a moment’s time, contemplating whether she had enough daring to touch the great composer in such a fashion. She softly touched his palm for a moment with the tips of her fingers and soon his hand enclosed over her own. His hold on her was strong and she walked up beside him, looking directly into his eyes. There was so much emotion swelling in his dark eyes and she could not help but reach up with her other hand and caress his cheek.

They stood in silence for many minutes; both lost in a stupor when Ophelia heard small branches cracking in the woods. She quickly drew her hand away from Ludwig’s face just as Nicholas entered the clearing. His clothes were messed with dirt and his footsteps were hard and loud. Ludwig watched the young man with calmness set in his face and gave him a slight bow. Ophelia stood aside, with surprise.

“Nicholas, whatever are you doing here?” She asked, walking towards him with a faint smile. She brushed some dirt from his shirt with her hand.

“When Chloe and I woke up, you weren’t home. Why are you out here?”

“Herr van Beethoven and I are strolling about the grounds together, that’s all. We were heading towards the brook. It’s such a lovely day out, we both did not wish to stay cooped up inside.” She replied, saying nothing more and nothing less.

“But why are you with him?” Nicholas mumbled, taking her by the arm seriously.

“Because he invited me to come along with him.” She said plainly, looking back at Ludwig with a smile. He smiled at her in return, nodding his head and then gazing at the treetops.

“Has he bothered you?”

“No! No! Of course not! Nicholas are you crazy?” She whispered, suddenly angry. She gently pried his hand away from her arm and moved back a step. “He’s a perfect gentleman. We are only walking together and talking. There is truly nothing to worry about. Go home…”

“Ophelia, I told you I don’t trust him. He can be a very scandalous fellow.” Nick paused. “And don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to! I know exactly what you are doing.”

“Then what am I doing, Nick? Whatever in hell are you talking about? Can’t I amble around without being followed? Can’t I make friends with other people for once?”


She cut him off short. “No, Nick. You’re always like this and I do despise it so! Whenever you’re around I can never make a decent male friend without you stepping in front of his and telling me I should not stay with him.” She growled. “Nick, I like Beethoven! He is a very nice person and last night, didn’t I say that I am the one who shall help his goodness shine through?”

“But this could be dangerous, Ophelia. He’s not worthy!”

“How can it possibly be dangerous to make a friend and turn someone’s hopes to the better side? It cannot be dangerous! He’s worthy…but you are not.” She stammered, still upset. “Get off with you. Go away.”


“No! I don’t wish to hear anymore. Go away!” And she pushed him back towards the trail. “I have the right to be alone without you spying on me. Go!”

Nicholas sighed. “Fine. Don’t say I didn’t warn you about him, because I have been. I care for you and I don’t want to see you hurt.” And he quickly disappeared into the woods, cursing under his breath.

Ophelia turned back to Ludwig and smiled to hide her fury with Nick. But Ludwig sensed something was wrong. He extended his hand to her once more and she took it without hesitation.

“I feel that there is something wrong with your friend. Do my feelings serve me well?” He asked with a frown on his gentle face. Ophelia heaved a sigh and looked away into the woods while nodding her head in agreement to his innocent and well-observed question.

“Ah, I see perfectly clear. He resents me for I am in your company...Well, no matter. We are just taking a stroll together. A very harmless stroll...”

She nodded once more, fully understanding that there was no use in speaking for he would not hear her. They began to walk at a steady pace once more.

“I find it greatly amusing to find a young woman such as you wishing to befriend me. You are kind.”

“Thank you.”

He continued. “If only more people were thoughtful like you. That damned Schindler could care less if I crawled into a corner and died...same with the little miscreant.” His eyes grew solemn and the muscles in his face tightened at his statement. Most obvious there was something tugging at his heart that had to escape and Ophelia saw that sudden sadness shadowed over his handsome features making him appear older than he truly was. She could see that he was indeed ill as Nicholas had said. And his grip on her hand became weaker, less bold.

“Who is Karl?” Ophelia questioned, hoping he could read her lips but discovering it was useless. He recovered the conversation book and pencil from his coat pocket and gave them to her with a frown.

“I am truly sorry, dearest. I do hope you forgive me for my hearing. I do dread this awful and incurable weakness.” He gestured to his ears and she felt a sudden pity for him. “If only I could hear what is being said. I do cause quite an amount of trouble for my guests.”

Ophelia touched his arm softly and smiled to show that she understood and was not upset. He smiled gratefully.

Pointing to the book, he demanded. “Please, write your question. I don’t want it to go left unanswered.”

Taking the pencil in her hand, she scribbled down her question in a neat and legible penmanship, Beethoven looking over her shoulder eagerly awaiting her writing to cease. He read the paper and frowned slightly.

“Karl-- He is my nephew.” He said motioning to the writing. “He lives in Vienna right now with his mother. The boy is a monster.”

Ophelia smiled slightly and wrote, “Whatever happened to his father?"

“His father-- my brother, Casper died of consumption in 1815, and he had requested that I become the co-guardian of my nephew alongside my sister-in-law.” He explained. “Karl’s mother is not fit to care for a child though. Every farm hand in the region has copulated with her at least once. Because of her unsavory reputation I am willing to go to court and put my money at risk for guardianship of the boy.”

“Do you love him very much?” Ophelia scribbled. Beethoven grunted.

“He’s a naughty young boy! I have shed many tears on his account and he shows no compassion whatsoever for my terrible misfortune. He often deceives me...oh, that worthless boy.”

“Surely he is not all that bad?” She wrote, making Ludwig laugh good and hard.

“HAH! You have no idea how awful I’ve suffered for him. He gives no gratitude to my caring for him. He is a little rascal! No longer shall he be my little trouser button.”

“But you love him, I hope?” She put in writing.

Ludwig nodded, but did not smile or say any kind words. “Suppose I do...” Ophelia sensed that that was all he wished to say, so she inquired no more.

Silence ensued for a moment until Ludwig began to speak. “Do you greatly enjoy the countryside, my dear?” He asked, changing the subject, hoping that she would find it as a bit interesting. She nodded.

“It’s beautiful.”

“Why have you come to Austria? I sense you are from elsewhere.”

Ophelia frowned while writing, “Yes, actually. I am from Paris, but my father died recently and he is buried in Vienna. I originally came for his funeral, but arrived during a dreadful storm and missed his burial. I knew that Chloe and Nicholas lived near Vienna, so I wrote them asking if I could live with them for a few months. They agreed and now here I am.”

Ludwig gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “I am sorry for your misfortune. I am sure he was a great man. After all, he made you.”

She blushed.

“I am very glad that you decided to come here. I hope you keep well. I would hate to see tears of sorrow in your sweet eyes.” He smiled at her and gave the top of her gloved hand a small peck, before his breathing began to rattle in his throat and his speaking came out in wheezes. “Shall we head back to the Inn, my dear? I don’t think I can keep a stable walk much longer. I am rather weak...How much I hate being ill all the time.” He paused, taking a deep breath. “Oh, it would be so lovely to live a thousand lives with someone like you to guide me along.”

She nodded with pity, taking hold of his arm and looking him in the eyes. Concern washed over her face as she noticed the color drain from his own. She brushed a few strands of stray graying hair away from his broad and high forehead. “Yes indeed, come along Herr van Beethoven.” And she shepherded him along the wooded trail back to the Inn. It was not yet near noon.

Chapter 7
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