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July 1819

Chapter 7
What the Deaf Man Doesn't Hear

Ophelia spent only a few minutes with the composer when they returned back at the Inn. He told her that he wished for her to stay a little longer, but he needed to rest in order to feel fine for the evening. Ophelia said she would meet him down at dinner. Before she left his apartment, Ludwig gave her hand a gentle squeeze and thanked her for her company. She nodded with a smile and quietly retreated with the hope of his health’s improvement.

She entered the Angelis’ apartment seconds later, sneaking off into her bedroom until she heard the loud speaking in the kitchen. She stood at her bedroom door and listened with fury and amazement.

“Did you find Ophelia?” Chloe asked from within the four walls of the kitchen.

“Yes, she was with that damned Beethoven!” It was Nicholas and he seemed rather upset with the result of his journey. “Can you believe it, Chloe? She is trying to befriend that lunatic! You should see that way that she peers at him! It disgusts me.”

“What was she doing with him?”

“They were strolling around near the brook, when I came across them. I had stood in the woods for awhile before just watching them. They were standing there for the longest moment lost in a daze I suppose for they held hands and Ophelia began to caress his cheek...” Nicholas growled. “I cracked some branches under my feet and Ophelia looked towards my spot in the woods, so I had to show myself. When I did so she seemed surprised and I had told her that he could be dangerous. She stood there unfazed by my warning and told me to leave her alone. I tried to protest but she kept cutting me off short, telling me to go away. So, I went into the woods to make it seem as if I had left, but instead I followed them.”

Ophelia gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. She had always trusted Nicholas to do as she told him, this was not the Nicholas she had always known. Her face suddenly turned hot with fury and she silently ventured closer to the kitchen, hesitating at the door for more.

“As soon as I ‘left’, Ophelia was offered Beethoven’s hand and she took it without ado. Beethoven told her that I resent him for he was in her company and not I. Then, they began to speak about his family and friends and such. After awhile, Beethoven seemed rather upset with the topic so he changed the subject to a more comfortable one-- nature. Ophelia also told him about her father’s death and he seemed greatly sorry for it, but I know he had to be putting on a show. Later, he kissed Ophelia’s hand, beginning to sound a bit like a rattling window...and he told her that it would be lovely to live a thousand lives with her by his side.

“Well, that’s a very surprising report.” Chloe mumbled, sounding a bit disappointed.

“Yes, I am ashamed in myself for listening but I feel that it was the right thing to do. Oh, Chloe...she looks so happy with him, it makes me tear up...”

Ophelia stepped into the kitchen at that, her eyes glowing with anger. She grabbed Nicholas by the shirt with tears in her eyes. “Nicholas, how could you?! I trusted you and now you go off and spy on me? That was wrong! I deserve privacy as much as anyone else!”

Chloe took a step back.

“You had no right to spy on me like that! Did you not trust me when I told you we were only taking a walk? You truly believe that I would lie to you? I’m hurt Nicholas...and I am dreadfully ashamed in you!” She growled. Nicholas looked into her eyes with pure surprise.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t trust him! I could not let you wander around alone with that mangy devil!”

“And why not?” She screamed. “If I can befriend YOU I can befriend HIM! He’s a charming gentleman and he seems to be the only person in the world who even possibly cares about me! You've deceived me enough to make me lose my trust in you. I am growing so very attached to him...I fear that I am in love with Beethoven.”

Nicholas stepped back in surprise. “What? How can you love him? You don’t even know him! You are insane Ophelia! He will ruin you!!”

“I’m not crazy, he’s the best thing that has happened to me for so long! I do know him! I know him more than you ever will and I see there is so much compassion and longing for love in his deep eyes. I don’t care what you say or think, I will not cease being his friend.”

“Nicholas is only concerned for you, Ophelia. There is no reason to snap at him.” Chloe mumbled, putting a consoling hand on her friend’s shoulder. Ophelia shrugged her away.

“He had no right to spy on me! That is a huge reason for my sudden anger. And dear, I pray, what demon possessed the both of you?! You have changed...How terrible you are to people who are not as wealthy as you...How awful you scoff at someone else’s ways!” She cried. “Chloe, when the two of you stood up for Beethoven last night I thought you had finally understood him. When I saw you trying to keep that awful man off of his back, I felt great pride in you. But, now I see you are no different than anyone else when it comes to trying to feel for Ludwig. He’s ill today, the walk did much good for his health. No matter what you two say, I will be with him.” Ophelia wiped a few stray tears from her eyes and Nicholas put a hand on her shoulder.

“I’m sorry, Ophelia.”

“No, you’re not.” She hissed darting for the door. “You are no different. I will not listen to your foolish praying for forgiveness. I will not forgive you for your terrible deeds these past few days. I will be dining with Ludwig tonight, so don’t expect to see me at your table. I need to be with someone decent.” With a sigh, she took one last look at both of her friends and ran into her room, slamming the door behind her.

Chapter 8
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