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What shall I say about the Irish?
The utterly impractical, never predictable,
Something irascible, quite inexplicable, Irish.

Strange blend of shyness, pride and conceit
And stubborn refusal to bow in defeat.
He's spoiling and ready to argue and fight,
Yet the smile of a child fills his soul with delight.

His eyes are the quickest to well up in tears,
Yet his strength is the strongest to banish your fears.

His faith is as fierce as his devotion is grand
And there's no middle ground on which he will stand.

He's wild and he's gentle, he's good and he's bad,
He's proud and he's humble, he's happy and sad.

He's in love with the ocean, the earth and the
skies, He's enamored with beauty wherever it lies.

He's victor and victim, a star and a clod,
But mostly he's Irish and in love with his God.

My gift to you! Just right click
on it and save to your pc. No link
is required but is appreciated :)

My Family Crest

Go here to get yours

Click Here for Irish Family Crests

"There are two types of people....
Those who are Irish & those who wish they were" *s*

My St Patricks Day Adoptions

Thank You so much Debbie!
for this beautiful award.

My St Patricks Day gifts

From Sir Bill of RW

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again, may God

hold you in the small of His hand.

Thanks for visiting my St Patricks Day Site!!