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Kevin: Seems like just yesterday we were in third grade playin the "states" game. Now 11 years later, the longest friendship I have, we are still the best of friends and thats pretty damn good. Been through alot of fun and crazy times, how about "Turking" again next time Oct. Friday the 13th comes around? Or a ride to Schene. to watch "our back" throw bricks threw windows and running from the Schene. police and jumping back into the truck after seeing guns. How about our days on the line playing football next to each other on the 8th & 9th grade football teams. Got so many more memories but as the years go by we got many more ahead of our-selfs. Thanks for being a "true" friend and being their.

Chuck: I Meet you in 7th grade and If you asked me back then If I thought we'de be friends today I probably would have said no, but im glad thats not true. After getting to know you through out the course of 7 years, you have been another "true" friend. Determined to make your-self successful, hell even determined to make me successul, I can't say that I know many people like you-you are one of a kind...You got me through alot of tough phases in my life especially my break up with Alex, that was the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life and you were their the whole time to help me through it and for all that I owe you. I got faith in you that your gonna be a very successful man. Thanks for being their man.

Rider: Here is a fairy tale come true (LoL)Never would I have thought you and I would be as tight as we are today but Im lucky to have another "true" friend like you. Been friends now for only 4 years but I'll tell you what it feels like I've been friends with you just as long as I have been with Kevin and Chuck. Whenever I needed a good laugh or just to get out for a good time, you came through with something new every time. Oh yeah I got one more firework left, what you say we grab the cammy and light it up? (LoL)Or how about you go out to a bar, get completely trashed again and call me up @ 4:45am and leave me another voice mail crying "Tommy, please come get me, please, im sooo wasted and people are picking on me" HAHA......Oh man Im glad your my friend bro, always got a good laugh for me. Well I gotta go settle the house (LoL)

RJ: I've known you for 4 years now, from the good 'ol Grand Union times. Never knew you and I would turn out to be good friend but again you've been a "true" dawg. We played some slamming ball games over the past summers but when I think of ballin I think of the year you played Guilderland and you went up for the dunk and missed it! I dont think I'll ever give up on that (LoL) sorry dawg. We gotta go-cart again, maybe this time your cart wont break down on you (LoL). Anyways thanks for all the advice you've given me in my time of need, it was valuable information and I'll keep it in mind next time in involded with someone. Oh yeah when your done with your journey @ Cornell getting your rap degree maybe we can actually go INSIDE of Sneaky's together.

Jon(Cuz): We've had some ups and downs over the years but I would deff. have to say more ups then downs. Maybe when your 30 year probation from Rector road is up, we can grab the "beast" again and take another ride to see "Turk"? sound like a plan? and after that we can go speak with a lawyer in order to sue "hooked on phonics" because it sure as hell hasn't worked for you(LoL). We have had a fun time together growing up things like the halloween dance, you riding in the back of my truck in the middle of winter, throwing you around in shopping carts, trips to your camp, football camp, playing football together, pulled over by cops, hot tub, dealing with relationship problems the list goes on and on of the experiences and fun things we've done. You know all the jokes about "I didn't pick him for a cousin" well even if I could have picked a cousin, it still would have been you. You have been not just another "true" friend but you've been their as family as well. I gotta be honset, one thing I admire the most about you is your heart man, you still believe deep down in-side that things with Jo aren't over. You just keep fighting and when I see that I feed off of you, I try to believe that things with Alex aren't over for good, just for now. You really make me dig deep down lil cuz and for that I appricate it.

Christine: I dont even know where to start with you! 6 years later we are still friends and still making strives for that one special day. We've had some rocky times but you know you got something thats real when you find ways around it and rebound, and everytime we do, that says alot about what we have. Im so happy that "Kips" was in the right place at the right time, 6 years ago. Muffles and me are excited to see you SOON!! I love you girl!

Rider and Me

Rider I noticed you have the camcorder in your hand, got a firework in your jacket we can light in NYC?

Rider and TD, In Jay Crew

Me and TD, Can't get enough of Jay Crew.