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Read no further if you intend on sending me mail defending E le Keats (or anyone else, for that matter). Thank you.

-Racetrack's last name was Higgins. This would make him Irish. Max Casella is Italian. Not Racetrack. Max.

-all right, so there are a lot of bloopers. However, contrary to popular belief, Jack's hat suddenly appearing on his head during Santa Fe was not a blooper. That was Ortega's slightly failed attempt of "showing the dream like transition" from from New York to Santa Fe. (read the interview at Angela's Random Babblings.)

-Many people say that Les is the only person in the family with an accent. Not true. Why? Les doesn't have an accent. He pretends to have one while selling newspapers (we can assume Jack taught him that).

-It has occured to me that Medda, when written, was probably supposed to be a threat for Sarah (along the lines of Jack.) Unfortunately, Anne-Margaret was just about the right age to be Christian Bale's grandmother.

-When Les is singing "My Lovey Dovey Baby" in his sleep, everyone looks at him wondering what the hell is going on, except Sarah. Sarah looks up and grins like she's in on the joke...but she's not.

-When the Delanceys are beating the living crap out of David, what does Sarah do? Well, besides nothing I mean. She hugs Les. Swift thinking, at least I think so.

-Weasel is right above us and he might throw us in the slammer. So quiet down. Meanwhile, I'm going to turn on this printing press and create thousands of copies of newspaper.

-Blink and Mush, sharing a cup...haha.

-Didn't Jack get wacked in the chin? Resulting in a black eye. Yes, of course.

-When Jack kicks Oscar and Morrs while hanging on the awning - look at Morris when he jumps back up. His moustache has run away.

-How come Weasel is so nice to Racetrack? (He does spot him 50 papers.)

-Do Mush and Blink have some funny secret while Jack is persuading David to be his partner? Jack keeps turning to look at them.

-The boxing ref really isn't all that authoratative. All he does is grab his head when everyone runs through the ring.

-It bothers everyone. And it bothers me. For the love of god, Sarah, they're plates.

-Jack looks pretty nervous during his solo dance in "Santa Fe."

-Does David honestly look like he's in charge?

-The best lines in the movie are the lines between Jack and David, when all the newsies see Jack has gone scab. You know, the whole "dime a day and a few black eyes" bit. you know why? Those are the only lines left from the original script.

-Once again. That whole thing with Medda would be a lot better if, say, she was about 50 years younger.

-That swing David threatens Snyder with at the rally isn't the least bit intimidating.

-Just to inform the uninformed: the reason Joseph Pulitzer plugs his ears is because the actual Pulitzer was extremely sound-sensitive.

-Snyder, as always, astounds us all with his fine acting skills as he smiles while being courted off to jail in a paddy wagon in front of all of the sweat shop kids of New York.

-And Spot manages to score a carriage ride with the mayor. Of course. Kudos to Ortega.

-Just how was Jack planning to get Crutchy out of the Refuge?

-"Ya shouldn' be callin' people as lousy l'il shrimps Oscar. Unless a'coise yer referrin' ta da family resemblence of yer bruddah here."......right.

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