
Wheee, main page graphics! I'm never too old for this shit. Still typing away, maybe to myself. I'm okay with it.
I posted Part 1 to my new story yesterday! It's slightly long, so get readin' it now! Yay. Clicky:
PART 1: Bittersweet Ballet
1. Lots more miscellaneous links. I deleted all of the ones that weren't working.
2. I fixed up the rants a bit.
3. New story up in the miscellaneous writing section, called Joanna: an Introduction.
4. I finally made some progress on my new story. Yahoo for me.
Search by Newsie section in fan-fiction. Go look.
Also, don't forget about the banner-making service, the be aware page, and the miscellaneous writing section.
New SOA update. Also, one thing I forgot to mention: a letter from Ani Difranco to the editor of Ms. Magazine in the Ani Poetry section. (Miscellaneous part of the link bar, click on poetry, then click on Ani.)
*New poem by me up in my poetry section (go to miscellaneous part of the link bar, click on poetry, then on liv.)
Spot-Plot award banners are up. Go look.
A few updates:
1. I've added in the contest stories into the author search section and the search by category section.

2. I finally put up a story in the miscellaneous writing section. REEEAD it. Tell me what you think, I'm curious.

Also, I'm working on a search by main newsie section- that'll take a while, but hopefully will be done soon. That's all for now.
Contest results have been posted. Go look.
I added a new page- a who's who. pretty straight forward but I know I needed one when I was new...so here it is.
Jesus H. Christ. If you vote that you don't like something, it would be nice to leave a comment as to why. Obviously, if you didn't like it, you have something to say. If you did like it, you may not have anything to say at all. I like having the polls because they're interesting and one of the best ways for me to get feed-back. But if people just keep clicking "no" without any explanation then I'm going to take it down. Cause that sucks.
Fan-Fiction Contest. Go enter. Woo.
I updated the hosted fan-fiction page a bit, and there's a new page on the School of the Americas. click here to check it out.
*New part to the page: Be Aware. I believed it to be necessary, because yes... I did.
*Entropy is back up. Fabulous story by Doll, if you haven't read it, go read it now.
*I've been fixing up the link bar a bit. All the links to the guestbook should be correct EXCEPT for the ones on :
1.the individual authors' pages (except mine- I fixed that one)
2. the individual hosted stories (except for mine, once again.)
I'm pretty sure the others are all working.
There's a new link to the newsies convention...it's no longer the same stupid one it's been for like, a year and never changed and was always out of date. So HOORAY! That's up. Also, one thing I never told you all: a lot of the links in the link bar are not working on any pages other than the main page. I know for a fact that the guestbook link on many of them takes you to my old guestbook, and as much as that sucks, it would take me a really long time to fix all that, so! Try to go back to the main page as much as possible.
I think I'm going to cry. Hicksville is gone! Home of the absolute best fan-fiction story I ever read, "A Stroke of Luck". Ooooohhhh I want to cry. If ANYONE has a copy of that story somewhere, puh-lease let me know...I want it I want it I wannnnt it...
Yay! I put in a new story from a new author and I'm quite proud of myself. I promise my attentions will be a little more directed towards this lovely site, at least for a little bit. There may be another fan-fiction contest happening, along with another page renovation...*heh*...so yes. keep on coming.
I would just like to apologize to everyone that has sent me submissions in the past oh...few months or so... I promise I will get to them, I do. I just need to really have a time to sit down and get it all done. But *crosses her heart* I promise they will be posted.
whooo! i'm back. read the main page. i'm tired. going to bed.
the results to the Spot-Plot Contest have been posted, so go check them out. As for future updates, especially to people who have recently sent me any type of submission, I'm afraid they won't be done for a very long time. (*sniffle*) I am off and away to my fabulous wonderful beautiful summer camp, then to Florence. I won't even be able to get onto the internet for a month, and that's if I'm lucky. Puh-lllleeeeze keep visiting my page so the darn thing doesn't get erased, and I promise lots of coming updates in the fall. Thankyou everyone for making this site a success:) *whips out a handkerchief* Oh, it makes me so proud!
The Spot-Plot Contest now has a deadline: July 2, 2001. Please send ALL entries in by that date, attatchments and all (which should be sent to me at criket@angelfire.com). I will have a serious time crunch (as will Blaze) to get them all read and judged before I'm off for over a month.
Ani is back up in the poetry section, there is much more to come in that section...Spot-Plot Contest is still open. Go submit, you fools!
Newsies re-released in theatres FRIDAY ONLY(5/11/01):

Baxter Theatre
1250 Bardstown Rd.
Louisville, KY 40204


Charles Theatre
1711 North Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21201

Support your fellow newsies! Go see it! If enough people go, they might re-release it on video, or keep it in the theatres for a while.

I started a Spot-Plot Contest! Go enter!
frames!!! wooooo....
I'm going to be combining the favorites and hosted sections, cause I don't think I like having them separated. I'm also working on a story search page, (search by main character, category, etc.) and that is proving to be a royal pain in the ass, so it won't be done immediately but hopefully fairly soon.
Hosted Page is re-done, the summaries are up.
contest results posted yesterday! hooray! um, since i've read all of the stories, they will all have summaries soon, and my hosted section will be different...so i'll be working on rearranging the hosted page set-up...i'm also thinking of getting rid of the favorite section and putting it all on the same page, i don't know if i like it the way i have it. anyhow, that's all for now!
ack! i promise, i'm working on the contest stuff. i've been reading a whole bunch of stories (many for a second time cause i read them so long ago) and now i'm working on getting pages up for the awards...i haven't read them all yet, but i have read most of 'em. woo! it's a lot more work than i thought, i must say, but anyhow, it's near done...lalalalalala. so good luck to all! keep looking for updates.
i've been extending my newsie links page a bit, and i'm working on getting the contest done. hopefully, it'll be done by the end of the week (huzzah!) but it's proving to be a very difficult task. there are a lot of good stories an' i jis' ain't likin' choosin' between 'em! but keep looking for the results...they'll be done soon, if not by the end of the week. i'll try to keep this updated with the standings.
i'm going to be adding a current events section to the main page- i've been researching on the SOA (School of the Americas now known as WHISC) and i think it's important for everyone to be informed about the controversial school- everyone has their own opinion, it seems. but this is a Newsies site, and i think it is important to remember what it stands for, which is sticking together and fighting for what's right (yes i'm being cheezy but hey! it's true.). so keep looking for that and please check it out when it gets posted...it's a subject very near and dear to my heart. thankyou all!
laaa...i finished fixing up Fortitude yesterday! yayyy! go read it, please, it's a completely different story now and i'd be utterly grateful. umahummm...however, because i fixed Fortitude, Angels of Manhattan now needs to be fixed as it no longer fits as a follow up of Fortitude. So be on the look-out for that stuff...oh, and the deadline for the contest is in two days! AAAAAHHH! so, if you want to enter something, do it now, do it now! i've been working hard on reading them so the results to it should be posted fairly soon.
Fortitude has been temporarily closed from access...i'll be done with it soon, though, as i don't like it being unfinished...so yes. that's all for now.
there's a few more stories up in every category, more information on the contest (awards to be won have been listed), and i'm working on extending the main page a little more.
rrrr...i HATE this computer system at my school...so much of the work i've done won't show up on my site and it doesn't let me download or add anything to my favorites anymore...grrr....

i have 19 stories in the contest...yay! um...i posted another fan-fic of mine, although it's far from realized/finished, but that's all right. i posted some more fan-fic on the general "hosted fan-fic" area too.
a couple more stories have been entered and i'm working on the quiz, and the script (which will probably take a good while.)

i've got some more stuff up: the gabe picture, the social misfits cast picture, a poll, blah blah. good stuff.

yeah...who's learning fancy HTML? i am! and i'm very proud of myself. anyway so the fan-fic contest isn't looking quite as pathetic although more would be nice and i'm not putting up a deadline yet, cause, well...i want more stories. so for those of you who have entered, patience, patience, i promise i'll let you know when the contest is "beginning" and when i post the results.

sigh...i need more stories! *sniffle*...this is all very frusturating. i was hoping more would come in over the weekend...but they didn't...blah. i'll just wait...wait...pout, pout...

yayyyyy! people are sending me stories! oh i'm happy as a clam...

many more things added to the rants page... i got the second story up, i'm working on a quiz presently but so far i only have ten questions, and well, it just ain't enough!


i have two stories in the contest! huzzah! um... i have two stories up that are non-newsie related, two new newsie links up, and i know there was something else. but i can't remember.


i posted some of my non-newsie writing, added a submit-your-writing page, added some pictures, and mostly have been working on advertising the stupid site.

so i have one submission for the contest...woohoo! i'm trying to figure out the most efficient way to advertise my website and i'm beginning to resort to email. i'm just working on getting more pictures and poems up right now, otherwise i'm just trying to get people to start coming to my site.

well...this is starting to become a slightly decent site, i suppose... i have favorite fan-fics up, links, poetry, other happy little links and such and an open contest. unfortunately, no one is going to my site yet...ah, well. patience, patience. anyhow, but i'm going to be working on posting non-newsie related pieces of work (and would be glad to post yours as well.)

main page
*plllease send me feed-back