Lay Your Hands On Me

Lance closed the door to his room and immediately leaned against it for support. Chris and Justin stopped what they were doing and looked at him.

“How did it go?” They asked in unison. Chris’ shirt was halfway up his belly and it looked like Justin had been tickling him.

“I – I don’t think he was surprised.” He stuttered. “And he told me to go get my man.”

Chris and Justin high-fived each other and smiled mischievously. “Yes!”

“We’ll just get out of your hair now...” Justin snickered as they disappeared into their rooms.

Lance looked in the direction of JC’s room and took a deep breath to try to calm his nerves. He sent up a silent prayer asking for courage and walked the short distance to JC’s door. He raised his fist and knocked before he could lose his nerve.

JC opened his door and a smile spread across his face when he saw that it was Lance.

“What do you want?” He asked teasingly.

Lance gulped. This was going to be so much harder since he knew JC felt the same way he did.

“Umm...Chris and I were horsing around and he jumped on my back. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind...” Lance rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

“Say no more.” JC moved aside so Lance could step into the room. “Just take off your shirt and lay face down on my bed.”

Said the spider to the fly,” Lance thought, but did as he was asked.

He could have sworn that he heard a sharp intake of breath from JC when he removed his shirt, but he wasn’t sure. JC disappeared into the bathroom and came back with some baby oil that he warmed up by rubbing it together with his hands. Lance bit back a groan when JC sat on his backside. Never had anything so innocent seemed so erotic.

Lance almost lost it when JC touched his back for the first time, it felt like every nerve in his body was on fire and he felt himself harden immediately. It took all of his self-control to not press his lower body into the bed to attempt to get some relief. He buried his face in JC’s pillow and blocked out everything except for the feeling of JC’s hands upon his body.

He lifted his head and turned it to look at JC when it dawned on him that JC was no longer touching his back.

“Jace? Is something wrong?”

“Lance...I uh...think we need to talk.”

Lance sucked in a breath. This was it. The moment of truth. He flipped onto his back so that he was facing his friend.

“Ok.” His calm eyes met worried blue ones.

JC’s eyes widened with surprise when he realized that Lance was hard. “Lance...”

Lance moved his hand and began caressing JC’s forearm. “It’s ok C...I broke up with Joey after I spoke to you. And he gave us his blessing.”

JC collapsed onto the bed beside the young blonde and gathered Lance into his arms. His face was buried in his neck as he said, “I’ve wanted this for so long, Lance. I’ve wanted YOU for so long.”

Lance closed his eyes and reveled in the warmth of JC’s body. It wasn’t like cuddling with Joey, Joey was soft, whereas JC was lean...JC just felt different...but in a good way.

“Jace,” Lance said quietly. “I want to try this…I want to try ‘us’.”

JC raised his head and once again, their eyes met.

“Can – Can I kiss you?”

Lance didn’t reply, but placed his hand on the back of JC’s neck and pulled him closer so that their lips were finally touching. Lance felt like he had been jolted out of reality and into the best fantasy he had ever had.


Chris, Justin and Joey were all eavesdropping outside of JC’s door.

“It’s awfully quiet in there,” Justin whispered and cocked his head to see if he could hear better that way.

“Maybe they’re making out.” Chris giggled.

“Come on guys, lets give them some privacy.” Joey said quietly and walked over to the couch. Chris and Justin reluctantly followed suit.

“Was it hard for you?” Justin asked. “I mean, to treat Lance as badly as you did so JC could be happy?”

“Yeah,” he admitted. “I hate that I had to hurt him, but it was a good idea.”

“I can’t believe it actually worked,” Chris mused. “I thought we were going to have to move on to plan B if Lance didn’t dump you soon.”

“What can I say?” Joey laughed. “Everyone loves me and wants to be around me.”

Chris and Justin rolled their eyes.

Joey looked toward JC’s closed bedroom door with a heavy heart and thought, “I’ll miss you Lance...but this is best for both of us.”

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