Shades of Grey

*****DISCLAIMER***** I'd just like to say that this is all my boi Drew's fault as well as Micki the Master of Basez. Slash is a term for same sex consider yourself warned. It might not be a good idea to be hanging around here if you are under 18 years of age. I do NOT own them, NOR do I pretend to know them, their families or anyone remotely affiliated with them. I MEAN NO LIBEL. It's fiction's meant to be imaginative and expressive, not labelling and defaming.

Welcome to the main page here at Shades of Grey. This is a new little endeavor of mine, so we'll see how it grows. There isn't much here right now, but I'm in the process of hosting my good friend Shelle as well as getting my own work up here on the page.

Shelle's Hideaway
The Path Of Thorns