The Shower

It was his favorite thing to do. He enjoyed it more than sleeping and he enjoyed it more than music. Well, almost. He was positive that it was the best feeling in the world. To come home – or even back to whatever hotel they happened to be stationed in – and let the heated water wash away the worries of the day.

He liked to imagine that it was his own private sanctuary. No interruptions from the other guys, no interruptions from management. Just his body, some shampoo and a fresh bar of soap.

JC stretched languidly below the spray, allowing his tense muscles to relax. He let his head fall back under the therapeutic drizzle and closed his eyes. After ten minutes of standing like that and letting the water sluice over his body, he reluctantly opened his eyes and reached for the bottle of shampoo.

He squeezed a small dollop of the herbal scented liquid into the palm of his hand. He made sure both hands were covered with the shampoo before he brought them up to his mane of hair. He lathered well, savoring the massage his deft fingers were giving his scalp.

JC stepped back under the spray and pushed the soap out of his hair, letting the water guide the suds down his long, lithe body and then down the drain. He wiped the water out of his eyes and looked around the bathtub for the bar of soap he knew had had brought in with him.

He rubbed the bar of soap back and forth between his hands until it was frothy and then began to apply it to his body. He swirled the tiny bubbles around his nipples with his finger, enjoying the unique design it made. His nipples hardened in response and his mind began to wander, inspiring another part of his body to become erect as well.

JC spread his feet so his weight was distributed more evenly. He temporarily forgot about washing his body and continued to gently squeeze and play with his nipples. He hit a particularly sensitive spot on his right nipple and felt his dick jump while his balls tightened in anticipation.

Not able to wait any longer, he placed his left hand against the cool tiles of the shower to brace himself while his right hand traveled slowly down his chest, past his navel, through the short curly hairs before it finally reached its destination.

His hands were still slick with soap and he teased the length of his shaft with his fingers before gently running them over the sensitive tip. JC moaned and his hand grasped his erection and started to stroke it slowly with just the right amount of pressure. He threw his head back at the incredible feeling that was coursing through his veins and his thumb flicked out to tease the tip again.

Precum began to ooze out of the slit and JC used it to his advantage and smoothed it over the ridges in his dick. He bit his lip and gasped when the he felt the first sensations of his orgasm building inside him.

His left hand was no longer resting on the tiles, but had moved to very responsive spot just behind his balls that he pressed down on immediately before he felt his body begin to tighten.

JC began to stroke his rigid penis harder and faster until he could no longer control the moans and gasps that were escaping past his lips. His body started to shake and when his release finally came, he almost collapsed onto the bottom of his tub in ecstasy. He was trying to catch his breath when he heard a rustling on the other side of the shower curtain. He pulled the curtain back a little and his eyes widened when he saw Joey putting his camera equipment away.

“What the hell?” JC sputtered.

“This is going to make some great footage for the *NSYNC yearbook,” Joey smirked and then got a thoughtful look on his face. “I wonder if Lance would like an unedited copy for his birthday?”

Joey then left the bathroom, leaving JC in shock behind him.

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