Pretty Woman

It was one of Lance’s favorite things to do when he thought the other guys weren’t around. To lay back on his bed with a bottle of his favorite champagne and a bowl of strawberries and watch Julia Roberts transform herself into ‘Vivian.’ It was nothing short of heaven. No contracts to deal with, his laptop was packed away and his cell phone was turned off. It was time to experience the rags-to-riches story that was Pretty Woman.

Lance dropped a strawberry in his mouth and rolled the succulent fruit around on his tongue before chewing it and swallowing it. He then took a sip of the champagne to chase it down.

“That’s not how you do it.” JC said from his position in the doorway, startling Lance.

Lance jumped for the remote and stopped the movie. “What are you doing here? I thought you went out with the others.”

“I changed my mind.” JC shrugged and walked further into Lance’s room. “You seem to be spending a lot of time alone lately, so I thought I would see what was up.”

“I’m ok,” he admitted. “I’ve just recently become addicted to this movie.”

JC walked over to the VCR and looked at the empty video case resting on top of it. He looked at Lance with raised eyebrows.

“It’s a good movie.” Lance reiterated. “You’re welcome to watch it with me if you want. Jason Alexander’s character is a real asshole.”

“I know, I’ve seen the movie before.” JC replied wryly and sat down. “There’s even the part where Edward takes Vivian to the Opera and the usher says to Vivian Your glasses are there Julia’.”

“He does not say her real name!” Lance exclaimed.

“He does too!” JC argued. “Watch it and find out.”

“Will you watch it with me?” Lance requested and moved over so that there was room for JC on the bed.

Lance waited until JC was comfortable until he started the movie again. JC leaned up against the standard headboard of the hotel bed and leaned on one arm. Lance rested his head on JC’s shoulder and all was quiet between them until the scene where Edward and Vivian arrived at the Opera.

“Listen,” JC said and turned the volume on the TV up slightly.

’Your glasses are there Julia’.”

JC smacked Lance’s arm and turned the TV back down. “I TOLD you!”

“They have people to catch things like that,” Lance frowned. He reached over and popped another strawberry in his mouth and swallowed it with a mouthful of champagne.

“You’re doing it wrong.”

“That’s the second time you’ve said that!” Lance was clearly exasperated. “What the HELL am I doing wrong?”

“You’re supposed to drop the strawberry into the flute of champagne. It enhances the flavor.” JC explained.

Lance looked at him skeptically.

“Let me demonstrate. Lay down.”

“Excuse me?” Lance sputtered.

“Trust me,” JC told him softly. “I want to show you something.”

Lance cast a wary look at JC but slid down on the bed so that he was flat on his back. JC smiled at him and reached for the strawberries and the champagne. Lance’s robe fell open slightly when he shifted his body, exposing the tanned skin below.

“Good,” JC licked his lips and slipped his hand into the robe, pushing it open more. He kissed Lance’s chest and murmured, “Your skin is so incredibly soft.”

Lance practically purred when he felt JC’s mouth touch him. His purr turned into a moan when he realized that JC’s lips had parted and that his tongue was now swirling around his right nipple. JC’s hand had moved and was now working on untying the loose knot in the belt that held the robe closed. Lance was wearing nothing underneath.

“You must have known I was going to visit you tonight,” JC breathed against his lover’s sensitive nipple.

Lance gasped as JC’s fingers trailed lightly over his erection and shook his head against the pillow. “N-No...” he stuttered.

JC smiled up at Lance and withdrew completely. Lance felt the loss and whimpered, but gasped again when he felt a cold liquid being poured into his navel. JC was filling it with the champagne.

The bubbly spilled over onto Lance’s belly and JC lowered his head to clean up the mess he had made. His tongue was hot against the skin that the alcohol had cooled.

“Tasty,” JC grinned and reached into the bowl that held the strawberries. “Now watch.”

JC slowly placed the small piece of fruit into the champagne in Lance’s navel. He lapped up the small amount that overflowed and then proceeded to suck the rest of the liquid out of his belly button. Then he rolled the strawberry into his mouth with his tongue and chewed it slowly.

That’s how you do it.”

“I’ll never doubt you again,” Lance sighed happily. “But next time, you could just show me with a wine glass.”

“Nah, that would be no fun.” JC’s fingers had gone back to caressing Lance’s erection. He could feel his own straining against his boxers underneath the track pants he wore. “Are you still interested in watching the movie?”

“I could be...” Lance moaned. JC now had a decent grip on him and was slowly but firmly stroking him. “Persuaded to do something else...” He threw his head back against the pillows. “What did you have in mind?”

JC shucked his track pants and boxer briefs off in one smooth motion and climbed onto the bed. He blew lightly on Lance and watched as his whole body shuddered. He poured a little bit of the champagne onto his dick and Lance began panting as JC’s tongue went to work.

“’s even better when it’s mixed with your flavor.” JC moaned and ran his tongue up the side of Lance’s penis and licked the tip.

It wasn’t long before JC wrapped his lips around Lance tightly and worked his mouth up and down the stiff shaft. Without Lance knowing, JC inserted a finger into his mouth and made sure it was well covered with his saliva before he slowly slipped it past the semi-tight muscle.

“FUCK!” Lance’s hips bucked wildly and JC almost gagged in surprise but recovered quickly. “Don’t you dare even think about stopping.”

JC developed a steady rhythm, timing his mouth and his finger perfectly. He could taste more of his boyfriend’s salty-sweet pre-cum and he knew he was close. He slipped another finger into Lance.

“Shit...JC...” Lance growled. “I’m gonna...”

JC was swallowing what Lance had to offer before Lance could finish his sentence. When he was finished, JC pulled himself onto his elbows and smacked his lips.

“You enjoyed that, huh?” Lance couldn’t help but grin. “Very much… but I’m not done with you yet.” JC promised and opened the drawer beside the bed. He looked at the tube. “We’re going to have to pick up some more next time we’re out.”

He lubed up the two fingers that he had previously used on Lance and slipped them inside again. Lance was much more relaxed.

“Baby, you’re so ready, aren’t you?” JC removed his fingers and added more lube to his hand to get himself ready. He grabbed two of the pillows and looked at Lance. “Raise your hips a little...thank you.”

JC positioned the head of his shaft at Lance’s entrance and pushed gently with his hips.

“Oh God...” Lance groaned. “More...please...”

JC continued to push his hips forward until he was buried deep within Lance’s body. Even though they had made love many times, the sensation was absolutely incredible. The tightness sucked JC in even farther and he began to pump his hips. Through all this he suddenly realized that he hadn’t even kissed Lance yet that evening.

Lance apparently was thinking along the same lines because his hands were suddenly pulling JC’s head down and their lips met in a frenzied passion. JC’s hips continued to thrust as their tongues teased and tantalized each other.

“I fucking love you,” JC breathed and buried his head into Lance’s neck. “I’m not going to last much longer.”

“Whenever you’re ready,” Lance panted and kissed him. “And I love you too.”

The room was filled with moans and the sound of their bodies moving together. There was a growl from JC as he came and emptied himself inside Lance. Lance came again and covered their bellies with the sticky mess. With a final thrust, JC collapsed onto Lance’s frame; their bodies were slick with sweat. JC kissed Lance.

“Next time,” Lance tried to catch his breath. “I get to drink the champagne off of you.”

Shades of Grey
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