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Chapter Eleven - I Already Know

I think the world of you

All of my heart I do

Blood through my veins for you

You alone have all of me

~ Lyrics to RAPUNZEL by David J Matthews

"You missed some interesting and infuriating news while we were fighting, Josh. Tom dropped me, so I no longer have an agent. Which means I don't know what's going on in the theatre world anymore."

"Did he at least give you a good reason? You guys had a contract and he broke it."

"He had a clause written in when we renewed the contract that stated he could leave without penatly if I hadn't landed a show for more than six months. I didn't see that he'd added it at the time we both signed it. So I screwed myself over with that one. It doesn't really matter anyway since I have no clue when or if I'll be able to go back to Broadway."

"Couldn't you become your own agent? And what about Lance?"

"Forget I even said anything about it. I don't want to ruin this wonderful evening you planned. Ms. Vera Wang returned my call. I had asked her if we'd be able to go look at a dress and she told me she would design and have one made especially for me by the evening of the wedding."

"Star, that's amazing. I still have to figure out when all the guys can get together for their fittings. Tyler might have to miss a few classes for it. Heather is supposed to be calling me back tomorrow about when she is flying in."

"Do they have a preference of which hotel they stay at? 'Cause we're fine on the money front."

"Star, I love you, but shut up. This evening is about you and me, not where my family is going to sleep two weeks from now. That said, would you like to dance," JC asked pushing his chair back and extending his hand.

"I don't know if I want to now. You just told me to shut up." Keely stood and put her hands on her hips.

"I mean, that's not the nicest thing to say to-" The rest of her sentence was lost as JC kissed her.

"You win this time," she said pulling away from him minutes later," but only 'cause I'm cold and needing you to hold me."

"Once again, I've been reduced to your personal heater."

"Take me to bed, Chasez, and I'll be your personal........anything."


Vikki lay awake for most of the night, unable to get comfortable. Justin would only sleep while clutching Vikki's uninjured hand. She still felt responsible for what had happened that evening. Justin's place was a crime scene now instead of a hame and that thought made her stomach turn. He could have been killed and the mere thought of him dead brought tears to her eyes.

"I can't lose him yet."

"You're not going to, Vik. We'll be okay, babygirl," he said softly rubbing her knuckles.

"You should be asleep, Justin. You took a pretty hard knock to the head."

"It's time to take our meds anyway." Vikki couldn't stop the giggle from passing her lips.

"We sound like an elderly couple. We need to take our pills, Fred."

"Go get the water, Mabel. Damn, I can't hurts my cheek. Hey, I didn't get a chance to tell you before. Keely and J are getting married two weeks from, well...yesterday."

"Did she say if she had wanted a bridal shower or anything like that?"

"I'm not sure. The last time I saw her, she was passed out in my arms."

"Do you think they can beat this?"

"I'd love nothing more than to say yes, but I honestly don't know. Keely's been through a lot and she still has hell to go through. She's one tough woman though."

"Do you think...I mean, have you ever..."

"Spit it out, Vik."

"Will we ever have what they share?"

"We're on our way there, sweets."


"Should I tell her or not," JC quietly asked himself. He'd just heard about Justin and Vikki's visit to the hospital when he woke up around nine that morning. It was eleven now as he sat beside Keely on their bed, watching her sleep.

"You really have a thing for staring at me while I'm not awake, don't you, lover?"

"Star, Vik and Justin were attacked at his apartment last night." Keely stopped midstretch and sat straight up in bed, not caring at all that she wasn't wearing a stitch of clothing.

"They what?? Are they okay?"

"They're at Vikki's apartment right now. Someone broke in while Vik was in the shower, trashed the apartment and went after her. He tore a ligament in her left elbow when he dislocated it. She was face down on the bed when Justin ran in and knocked the guy off of her. Justin got himself a knock to the head, a split lip and a gash on his cheek from the guy's gun. He asked me not to wake you up and tell you since they were safe and resting."

"Jesus! Josh, what happened to the guy?"

"He's been arrested..." Keely jumped out of bed and started yanking clothes out of the closet and bureau.

"I have to go see her. It's my fault Justin wasn't there the whole time."

"Vanessa, come here. You are not responsible for what happened. They both know that and they don't blame you. No one is to blame for just happened."

"I just...I want something in our lives to be perfect. They were my perfect, Josh."

"Star, what did Rose and Dr. Anderson tell you at your last appointment? You need to start having a positive outlook on your health."

"It get's so hard sometimes, Josh. My worst fear used to be that you'd stop loving me. Do you know what it is now? I'm so afraid that this will kill me and you'll never know how much I love you. That's why they were my perfect. I wanted them to have everything that we might not get the chance to have."

"Vanessa, I already know how much you love me. I see it in your eyes every time I look at you. I feel it every time you touch me. Believe me, Star, I know." The phone rang then, tearing away the romance of the moment and Keely jumped for it, hoping to hear from Vikki.

"Hey there, Little man, how are classes going? That's good to hear. How are you and Tianni doing? Of course she's welcome to stay here with you, sweetie. Aight, I suppose I should let you talk to your brother now. I will, and you take care of yourself too." Keely handed the cordless to JC and went to take a shower.

"Hey man, when is your flight getting in next Thursday? Eight-thirty in the morning? Shit dude...that's damn early. So you aren't going to miss any class cause you'll have a break already? Sweet. And if Tianni does decide to follow your sorry ass up here, don't even think about getting freaky in our place. Hey, I'm just telling you in advance. Okay, I have to get going to see Justin and Vik. Hey Tyler, go make sure your girl knows how much she means to you. Catch you later man."

"Hey sexy thang, are you going to join me or do I need to wash my back by myself?"

"I don't know why we even bother with clothes..."

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