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Chapter Nine - Cruel World

"I think the world of you

All of my heart I do

Blood through my veins for you

You alone have all of me."

~ Lyrics from RAPUNZEL by David J. Matthews

"You have got to be kidding me."

"It's a reality, Jade, if you're talking about my hair. If you're talking about me getting married in two weeks, then no, I'm not kidding about that."

"Don't you think you're rushing things? I mean, why not wait six months or so?"

"Jade, I may not have that long. And don't give me that look because you know damn well an early death is a very real possibility."

"Is he pushing you into this because he knows that you'd make him a very rich man?" Keely looked stricken and Jade immediately wished she could take the words back.

"I can't believe you would even suggest that. Josh knows nothing of my inheritance. Do you honestly think I'd be so blind as to let something like that happen?"

"It's just so sudden, Keely. I don't want to see you hurt the way you were after that whole Tim fiasco."

"My relationship with Josh is far more sincere, Jade. I was hoping you'd be my maid of honor, but now I'm not so sure." Keely adjusted the bandana on her head, standing to leave the table and the coffee shop. The chemo made her dizzy and she stumbled into a young college coed.

"Watch where you're going, bitch."

"I'm so sorry. I'm just not feeling well today."

"So get your nasty ass away from me and go back to the homeless shelter where you belong." Keely's head jerked up, but she didn't get the chance to defend herself.

"I suggest you step off, trick. As far as you're concerned, my woman Keely here is damn near royalty," Justin said walking through the door.

"Oh my God! You''re Justin Timberlake."

"I am. And the woman you just insulted? She's JC's fiancee'. So why don't you take your attitude, find a salt lick and go bray in that corner like a good jack ass, okay? Bye bye now." Keely couldn't even enjoy Justin's comment as another wave of nausea caused her to sway towards him.

"Justin, we need to get me out of here. I'm gonna be sick."

"Close your eyes, sweetheart and think of that man of yours back home," Justin said carefully steering her out the door.

"Close your mouth, honey, you're collecting flies," Jade said to the girl, walking out behind Justin and Keely. She found them huddled on the ground a few feet from the door.

"Jade, woman, you are a lifesaver. Can you get my car for me? It's the silver Quattro down there," he said pointing to it with his keys.

"Just a little longer, sweets," Justin said taking Keely's hand.

"Beautiful, Timberlake...just beautiful. Send me to get your car, don't tell me it's stick and then expect me to be able to drive it after owning an automatic for eight years. Come on, Jaden, you can do this. Just like riding a bike," she said to herself. She clicked the four ways on and jumped out of the car to open the passenger door for Keely.

"Have you been eating, Keely?" She shook her head no and then moaned softly because the small action made the nausea even worse. They were all crammed into the car as Justin navigated through traffic to the loft.

"I can never keep any of it down anyway."

"Does C know about this?"

"God damn it, Justin! I'm not some flakey chick with an eating disorder."

"We're almost there, Keely."

"This is going to make morning sickness feel tame. Thank God, I've never been so happy to see my apartment." Keely was just able to make it to her door before her world began to spin.

"Jesus," Justin swore grabbing Keely before she could hit the floor.

"Jade, get the door." She didn't need to, JC did it for her.

"I'll be back Rose...Star! J-dawg, bring her upstairs."

"C, calm down, she's fine. She just got a little dizzy and sick is all."

"We fought too," Jade said quietly to Justin a few minutes later when they were alone downstairs.

"I pretty much accused your boy of pushing for marriage to get his hands on her money. I was so wrong though."

"We all make mistakes, Jade."

"Mmmmmm...Josh? How did I get up here," Keely asked just opening her eyes. She knew it was him and that they were in their room because his warm hand was rubbing her stomach...something he only did to help her fall asleep.

"You fainted in Justin's arms outside the door."

"He helped me a lot today. He told off this one girl for me..."

"You should get some rest. I have something special planned for you tonight."

"Do I need to get dressed for this?"

"I've got everything taken care of, so don't worry. Go back to sleep, Star." He kissed her forehead and walked back downstairs.

"JC, can you tell Keely I'm sorry for everything I said? I was just shocked and..."

"I'm sure she'll understand, Jade. Two weeks from tomorow, which would be a Friday, I need you guys to meet me at St. Patrick's Cathedral. They're allowing Keely and I to have a small ceremony at eight in the evening. Your clothes will already be waiting for you in the sacristy. It's just going to be my family, hers, and our friends. I rented a nice and discrete boat house on the river for the reception."

"I'll be there with bells on, C."

"I need to get going now though. I have a few last minute details before Keely and I go out tonight."

"Sweep her off her feet, man. Even if you already hold her heart, do it."

"Go home, J. Cuddle up close to Vik and tell her how you feel about her. You might think you're hiding it well, but you aren't at all." At the moment, Vikki was wishing she could be anywhere other than walking to Justin's in the snow that was beginning to fall.

"I need a nice, hot shower," she said aloud unlocking the door. The apartment was dark.

"I swear, ever since we made this dating thing semi-official, I never get to see the man. At least he cleaned this time," she mumbled walking to the bathroom.

The water felt heavenly as it cascaded over her aching muscles. She never heard the door open. Vikki reached her hand out for the shampoo bottle, but never made it. Her arm was twisted cruelly behind her and she heard a popping sound before she felt the pain.

"A pretty thing like you should learn to lock the door," a voice hissed in her ear as she was pushed against the shower wall.

"What do you want," she whimpered.

"Let's see now. I've already taken the cash in your wallet and all the wonderful diamond jewelery that's hanging around. I think I'd like you next." She shuddered as his hand moved up to her breast and cried out as he twisted the sensitive skin. He immediately brought that hand to her mouth to silence her and licked her ear lobe.

"Time to get out of the tub, dollface. Daddy wants to play a game."

An odd sensation worked its way up Justin's spine as he approached the open door of his apartment.

"Vik?" The apartment was trashed and he could hear water running. Vikki yelped then and began pleading with the intruder to just leave with the valuables and Justin ran towards their room after hitting the panic button to alert building security. His blood ran cold and his heart stopped when he got there. She was face down on their bed, her left arm still twisted behind her at an odd angle. The man had her pinned down with his body weight and Justin was still caught up in horrified shock as he saw him unzipping his pants.

"Vikki! Get off her you bastard!" Though Vikki would never be sure about it, it looked as if Justin had become her avenging angel at that moment and flew over the bed tackling the guy. There was a scuffle that left Justin with a split lip and a gash on his cheekbone. He soon found himself staring down the barrel of a gun.

"I know you're worth a shitload of money. Hand it!" Justin calmly stood up and wiped the blood from his lip.

"Fuck you."

"Drop the weapon and put your hands where we can see them!" Within seconds of hearing the click of the handcuffs, Justin was at Vikki's side.

"I got you, babygirl, don't worry. We're gonna help you."

"It hurts so bad, Justin."

"Shhhhh...they're coming to help you," he said rocking her back and forth and wiping a tear away. Justin had carefully wrapped her naked body in a towel a few seconds before the EMT walked into the room with the police.

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