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Prologue - In The Beginning

"I think the world of you

All of my heart I do

Blood through my veins for you

You alone have all of me."

~ Lyrics from RAPUNZEL by David J. Matthews

"Jade, I don't know if I can do this. I mean, this is Broadway and critics in New York are known to be harsh on nobodys like me."

"Keely, you are perfect for this role. Go out there and rock that house down just for you tonight. Don't think about the tree permanently lodged in any critic's or Andrew's butt for that matter. Break a leg, girl. I need to go finish my makeup and so do you," Jade said giving her friend a kiss on the cheek and walking out of the dressing room.

"I'm all red and nervous...wonderful. I need some relaxing music." She placed a mix cd of Sting and Sarah McLachlan in her cd player and took a few calming breaths before finishing her makeup.

"You can do this, Keely. You can prove them all wrong." Meanwhile, the crowd as settling into their seats. They had no idea that there was a celebrity in their midst. JC Chasez was doing a favor for a friend at the New York Times by being a guest critic for the most recent showing of The Phantom of the Opera.

"Tiny, you don't have to stay on my account. I know this isn't really your scene."

"Bite your tongue little man. You aren't the only one who enjoys good music. Besides, anything is better than watching you five white boys prancing around on stage. Especially you trying to wiggle your not existent butt. Just record all your notes on your palm pilot and keep quiet."

"I have a butt," JC whispered as the house lights went down and the show began. The first thing he noticed was the flawless quality of the overture once it began. Chill bumps formed on his skin and he knew that they'd be an almost permanent fixture for the remainder of the show. The woman playing Carlotta seemed to be the most nervous member of the cast. Then he noticed "Christine" singing her first aria. Musically, she was spot on and theatrically, she was perfect. JC sat in awe of her until the intermission when he could match a name with the face.

"Vanessa K. Alden," he mumbled to himself. It was Keely's first major theatre role. She had done many college level productions, including Rent, Westside Story, and Chicago. She'd studied opera and theatre production for a semester in London and had attended some of the most prestigious music schools in her homestate of New York.

"Beautiful woman," Tiny said reading the playbill over JC's shoulder.

"Beautiful and extremely talented."

"Someone has a crush," he said smiling down at the young man in his care.

"I'm not a little boy in grammar school, Tiny. Besides, I've been single for over a year now. I'm allowed to admire beautiful women."

"Well, be quiet about it now because the second act is starting." JC did watch quietly, taking notes on the rest of the show. Most of them were about the interaction between Raoul and Christine.

"If I had known you'd be this choked up over the ending, Tiny, I would've brought some Kleenex."

"Dont even think about telling the other guys about this." JC just smiled and laughed.

"Come on, I want to congratulate Ms. Alden personally." While they walked back to the dressing rooms, Keely was busy shaking hands and accepting flowers.

"You looked amazing out there, Babygirl."

"Thanks, Mom. It would have been better if Andrew weren't playing my love interest, but I make do. Dad couldn't make it?"

"He wasn't feeling well so your brother stayed with him. How your father broke his ankle while standing at the kitchen sink washing grapes is beyond me."

"It's Dad...anything is possible with Dad. Let's just hope that people liked the show enough to keep it here for a while."

"Ms. Alden?" Keely slowly turned around, hoping that the voice didn't belong to Andrew. She was surprised to see someone famous in front of her.

"I'm Ms. Alden. Can I help you?"

"Actually, I'd just like to congratulate you on your performance tonight. You were amazing. Do you have a moment to talk about it?"

" you wait in my dressing room while I say goodbye to my mother?"

"Of course," he said walking into the room with Tiny.

"Mom, do you know who that is?? He is like one of the most wanted men on the planet! Why does he want to talk to me?"

"I'm not sure, baby, but you better go. I'll call you later." Keely took a deep breath and walked into her dressing room. She found JC thumbing through her cd collection.

"Would the two of you mind if I changed into my street clothes," she asked pointing towards the screen in the corner.

"Hmn? Oh, no, go right ahead. You get nervous before shows, don't you, Ms. Alden? Or may I call you Vanessa?"

" may not. I much prefer Keely. Damn it!"

"Would you like some help, Keely?"

"Yes, but first it would be nice to know your name." Tiny gave him a look of concern.

"My name is Josh Chasez." Keely knew damn well who he was. You'd have to live under a rock to not know. But Keely decided to treat him like any other human being.

"Well, Josh, help me out with this zipper and then ask what you want because I have to be up early tomorrow morning."

"I'm actually here as a critic for the New York Times." Keely stiffened.

"Maybe you shouldn't be in here then. I wouldn't want a good review to hinge on whether or not I showed you enough skin," she replied causticly.

"It's not like that at all, Keely," he said finally working the zipper free. "Nothing I'm talking to you about now is going in my review. I just thought we might be able to talk artist to artist."

"I'm not an artist of your caliber, so I'll save you from wasting energy. Yes, I get nervous before shows. That's why I have the cds with me. Yes, I puked before I went on stage and no, it's not because I have an eating disorder like pretty much every artist working on this show. I was slightly of key in the last song I sang in the first act. Is there anything else you'd like to know? Cause I really need to sleep if..."

"Would you like to get a cup of coffee with me?" She stopped in the middle of her tirade, just as he'd hoped she would.

"Are you asking me on a date?"

"It would seem that way, wouldn't it, Keely?"

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