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Chapter Two - I've Been Ready

"I think the world of you

All of my heart I do

Blood through my veins for you

You alone have all of me."

~ Lyrics from RAPUNZEL by David J. Matthews

He sat her down on their bed before getting down on his knees in front of her. "Do you remember that night when we went for a walk in Central Park and you told me never to tell you something if I wasn't ready?"

"Yes, I remember that night." It had been one of the best nights of her life.


"I love being able to do this," Keely said. "Hmn?"

"I love being able to just hold your hand like this. I never thought I'd feel this strongly about someone, Josh, but damn if I didn't fall in love with you." He didn't know what to say. JC had been trying to find the right words to tell her he loved her all night, but something or someone would interrupt him. It seemed as if the powers that be wanted to get in on it as well. It started to pour and JC stood still...then he started to laugh. Keely stopped walking and just stared at him.

"Before you completely lose what's left of your mind, Josh, I have just one more thing to say. I know I just told you I loved you, but I didn't do it just to have you say the same thing back to me without meaning it. I don't want you to tell me something that serious unless you're absolutely sure you're ready." He looked down at her soaking wet figure and smiled.

"I've been ready for a week, Vanessa. I love you and I'm IN love with you." Keely pulled his head down and kissed him, in the middle of the pouring rain. She broke away laughing when JC picked her up and spun them around in a circle.

*****End Flashback*****

"After I left this morning, I went to get something because I knew last night I was ready to say the words. I watched you last night as you lay asleep in my arms and I knew then that I wanted to have that privelege for the rest of my life." JC reached into his pocket and took out the ring box.

"I'm completely in love with you. For over a year now, you've been the star that's guided my wandering spirit. I'm done wandering now, and if you'll give me the chance, I'd love nothing more than to settle down into a long life with you. Will you be my wife as well as my lover and best friend, Star?" She could barely hear his last whispered request because her heart seemed to be pounding in her ears.

"Yes, yes, Joshua." He was on his feet, pulling her into his arms in seconds and Keely's body shook as tears of pure joy streaked salty paths down her face.

"I love you and the possibility of you being pregnant won't change a damn thing."

"Mom was right. When she called me to the hospice before she died, she told me that she wasn't worried anymore because I'd always have someone to love and take care of me." Keely pulled back far enough to look into his eyes. "She liked you from the beginning." JC took the ring from the box and placed it on her finger.

"What do you say we get ready and celebrate?"

"I'd say that's a wonderful idea, but we're going to need to talk about this. Small things like who do we tell and how are your fans going to feel."

"I know you want to call your family and Jade and I want to tell my family and the guys. I don't really care about what anyone else thinks right now. Most of my fans like you cause you're real."

"You mean you were dating a blow up doll before? Was that Joey's doing?"

"I just want to go out tonight with my extremely beautiful fiancee'. Kiss me," he whispered.

"Please would have been..." Keely never had a chance to finish. JC's hands were on her hips, pulling her in for a kiss. She was lost in the feel of his hand moving from her hip bone to her hair...the taste of his kiss as his tongue slipped into her mouth and fought with her own. He was the only one who could consume her senses. Her knees felt wobbly and she was certain that the only reason she was standing at all as JC kissed his way down her neck was the fact that he had her body pressed against his own.

"Josh, babe, we need to get ready," Keely whimpered as he found her earlobe.

"Woman...I hate it when you're right. Hurry up, leave while you can."

By the time they got home from the club, Keely was exhausted. She'd fallen asleep on JC in the back of Justin's truck and he'd had to carry her to bed.

"Keely, you need to wake up for a few seconds so you can change."

"Josh? I don't feel too good right now. Let me sleep..."

"Shit, Keely, come on babe. We need to get you up." They made it to the bathroom just in time. JC held her hair and lightly rubbed her back while she was sick since it was the only thing he could do.

"Here, wash your mouth out with this. Don't give me the evil eye, Keely. You know damn well it's better than waking up tomorrow with that taste in your mouth."

"I'm sorry, J."

"Hey now, why are you apologizing?"

"Cause you're sitting on a cold bathroom floor watching me get sick when you should be sleeping."

"Keely, I wouldn't be able to sleep. You gonna be okay now?"

"I think so," she said as he helped her stand. He took off her clubbing clothes and carefully dressed her in a pair of boxers and a tank top.

"You're going to be a great father," she mumbled already falling asleep.

"I hope so, Star," he said as he turned out the light and slid under the sheets next to her.

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