Chapter Twelve

"Oh my God," Joey buried his head under his pillow and groaned. "We just got back from the club and they’re at it again. Don’t they ever take a break?"

Lance just laughed.

"Come on Joe, they don’t get to see each other very often." Joey groaned again. "So you’re telling me that if Denise were here, that I wouldn’t have to go and bunk with JC or Justin?"

Brown eyes peered at Lance from under Joey’s pillow. Lance grinned.

"Thought so." Lance ducked as Joey threw the pillow at him.

"I’m just glad Stacy isn’t here yet, then we’d be getting it from both sides." Joey temporarily gave up the idea of sleep and sat up, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers that were covered in Superman symbols. "I still can’t believe she accepted Justin’s proposal. I mean - I wish them all the best... but it’s Justin..."

"You’re just jealous because you want to marry Justin. Come on Joe, admit it!" Lance giggled.

Joey fluttered his eyelashes with great exaggeration, placed both hands over his heart and threw himself backward onto his bed while exhaling dramatically.

"Oh yes Lance," Joey swooned. "It’s always been my dream to marry Justin Timberlake and now he’s gone!" Joey turned onto his stomach and started pounding the bed with his fist. "He’s gone!" He howled. "He’ll never be mine!" He declared with a huge sob and Lance threw his pillow back at him.


"Hey," Joey sat up again, perfectly calm and shrugged. "Ya gotta do what ya gotta do."

"Go to sleep Joey," Lance said and turned off the light.

"I can’t."

"Why not?"

"Because I’m mourning the loss of Justin."

"GoodNIGHT Joey!" Lance exclaimed and Joey snickered.


Chris was still asleep the following morning when Michelle woke up. She smiled and kissed his forehead before sliding out of bed and walking to the bathroom to take a shower. By the time she had finished her shower and gotten dressed, Chris was awake and he has his head propped on his head.

"Morning sweetheart," he said as his gaze flicked over her body. "How come you’re awake?"

"I thought I’d go across the hall and see if Laurie want to have breakfast with me." She replied and sat on the bed, resting her hand on his arm. "Wanna come with?"

"I’ll think about it," he grinned.

"Well think fast because we have two hours before we have to leave for Nordstrom."

"Yeah, yeah... you’re as bad as Lance when it comes to schedules."

"Oh hush," Michelle said and kissed him. "Meet us downstairs when you’re ready."

"Ok, love you."

"Love you too, baby." She smiled and grabbed her purse. She turned back around and looked at Chris. "You’re going to go back to sleep, aren’t you?"

"I might," a slow smile crossed his face.

Michelle just shook her head and laughed. She closed the door quietly as she left the room, so she didn’t disturb anyone who might still be sleeping in the other rooms. She walked the short distance down the hall to Laurie’s room and knocked lightly on the door. When she didn’t receive a response after a few moments, she knocked again, only harder. Again there was no answer and she frowned. Where was she?

Michelle went down to the hotel restaurant to grab something to eat and was surprised to see Lance sitting there.

"Hey Poofu," she grinned as she slid into the seat across from him. Lance glared at her for using the affectionate nickname. "You’re up early."

"Yeah... between you and Chris and Joey’s snoring, I didn’t get much sleep." He looked at her pointedly.

"Sorry." She grinned again.

"No you’re not."

"You’re right, I’m not." She laughed and leaned back. "So what are your plans for today?"

"Just doing stuff for FreeLance and A Happy Place... not much else. You?"

"We have the FuMan promo this morning at the Galleria and then nothing else for the rest of the day. I’m trying to decide if I want to go to the show tonight... Laurie might like to see it."

"Such a light schedule, it must be nice." He murmured as his breakfast arrived.

"Hey, speaking of Laurie, have you seen her this morning?"

"Nope." Lance replied with his mouth full. "Why?"

"I was going to invite her to join me for breakfast, but there was no answer when I knocked on her door."

"Sorry, can’t help ya." He took another large bite of his French Toast and smiled.


Laurie woke the next morning with a smile on her face. She couldn’t remember the last time she has slept so well. When she thought about it, she realized that Europe was probably the last time and she chuckled to herself. She rolled over and watched JC sleep for a minute before she tried to wake him up.

"Josh," Laurie whispered and gently shook his shoulder. He grunted but gave no sign that he was awake. "Josh, I have to get ready to go."

This statement made him a little more coherent. He tightened his grip on her but still said nothing. Laurie sighed and glanced at the clock on the bedside table. She had two hours before she was supposed to leave for the signing with Chris and Michelle. She set her mouth determinedly and poked at him.

"Josh, come on," she pleaded.

He finally opened his eyes and a grin spread slowly across his face. He pulled her as close to him as he could and closed his eyes again, but the smile remained on his face.

"I know you’re awake," Laurie couldn’t help laughing. "Let me go."

"No, I don’t want to." His grin widened and he looked at her mischievously.

"You have to. Someone is going to come looking for me soon."

"So let them." JC sighed happily and snuggled into her.


"I know, I know," he frowned. "But can’t you stay a little longer?"

"I’ll tell you what," she kissed him. "Let me go take my shower, get dressed and touch base with Chris or Michelle, and if I have time, I’ll come back and say goodbye."

"Promise?" JC wrapped his arms tightly around her and kissed her.

"I promise." She whispered and kissed him once more before heading back into her own room.

After she showered and got dressed, she made sure she had her keycard in her pocket before making her way to the room that Chris and Michelle were sharing. As she raised her hand to knock on the door, Lonnie walking her way caught her attention.

"If you’re looking for Michelle, she went downstairs to grab breakfast." He said gruffly. It sounded as if he had woken up not too long ago.

"Oh, thanks." She said and changed direction.

Once Laurie was downstairs, she found Michelle easily and Lance motioned for her to join them.

"There you are," Michelle said. "I was looking for you this morning."

"Y-You were?" Laurie stuttered.

"Yeah. You must be a pretty heavy sleeper. I was going to ask you if you wanted to join me for breakfast."

"Sorry," she apologized. "I must have been in the shower." She added silently, "Or in Josh’s room."

"It’s cool," Michelle shrugged. "You’re here now. Are you getting excited about the signing?"

"Actually, I’m kind of nervous," she admitted. "The thought of all those people..."

"It’s not really that bad. The store security and Lonnie keep the line moving smoothly and the fans generally don’t hang around that long after they receive their autograph and use up a roll of film."

Lance and Laurie laughed even though they knew that Michelle wasn’t kidding.

"Chris should be down soon," she glanced at her watch. "He said he was going back to sleep, but I somehow doubt it."

"Well it isn’t like either of you got very much sleep last night," Lance muttered and ducked out of Michelle’s reach while Laurie laughed.

"You guys are nuts," she said, still laughing.

"Well, well," Lance said as he looked over Laurie’s shoulder. "Look who’s out of bed before noon, it must be a special occasion."

"Must be JC," Michelle laughed but didn’t turn around.

It did, however, catch Laurie’s attention. She turned around and caught JC’s eye as he walked toward their table. She blushed a little as she remembered spending the previous night in his arms. He took the seat directly beside her and gave her thigh a light squeeze before acknowledging Lance and Michelle’s presence.

"Hey guys."

"Hey Jace," Lance didn’t look up from his laptop. "Sleep well last night?"

JC cast a quick glance at Laurie before replying.

"Best night of sleep I’ve had in months." Laurie couldn’t help but smile; though she tried to hide it.

Michelle had caught the look that JC had given her and she had also noticed the smile Laurie had given JC in return. Michelle looked over at Lance, but he was so immersed in the work his was doing, that he seemed oblivious to what was going on. She suddenly felt a hand touch her shoulder and she looked up into Chris’ warm brown eyes.

"Hey sweetie," he said and kissed her forehead before taking his place next to her.

Lance finally looked up. "Ok, there’s three of us down here with no security. What’s wrong with this picture?"

"Maybe no one will notice," Chris grinned.

"Doesn’t matter anyway," Michelle nodded in the direction of the elevators. "Here come Mike and Dre."

"Is there even room for them at the table?" Laurie asked. JC’s hand was still resting on her thigh.

"They’ll probably sit at the next table," JC told her. "They don’t like to intrude too much. I’m actually kind of surprised that Lonnie didn’t come down with them, since you three have to leave soon."

"You spoke too soon, C." Lance had caught Lonnie’s large figure in his peripheral vision.

"You about ready to go?" Lonnie stood behind Chris, Michelle and Laurie.

"I haven’t had my breakfast yet, dude. Just let me grab something to eat." Chris said as his eyes darted around the table. His eyes landed on Lance’s plate of French Toast and before Lance could protest, Chris stabbed the food with his fork and transferred it over to his own plate. Lance raised his eyebrows and looked at Chris. "What?" He asked innocently.

"Umm... that was my breakfast."

"You’re right," Chris smiled slyly. "It was your breakfast."

Lance shot a glare in Chris’ direction as he motioned for the waitress to bring him some more French Toast.

"Come on Chris, eat your stolen food and let’s get going. If you don’t hurry up, we’re not going to make it back in time for soundcheck." Michelle informed him.

"Yeah and what a shame that would be," he rolled his eyes.

"Don’t do that, you look like Alexandria." JC complained.

As if on cue, his cell phone rang and the caller ID indicted that it was Alexandria. It was JC’s turn to roll his eyes and he gave everyone an apologetic look as he turned away from the table.

"I’ll umm... wait for you guys outside." Laurie bowed out gracefully and didn’t notice the concerned look that JC threw her way as she left the restaurant.

She walked out the front doors of the hotel and was grateful that there weren’t many fans around, except for the ones who knew the approximate time Chris was leaving. They would do anything to catch a glimpse of him. As the driver opened the back of the limo for her, she heard several exclamations and quiet murmurs of "She’s with *NSYNC!"

"I’m actually with FuMan," she thought to herself, savoring the peace and quiet of the backseat. "But you can think what you want to think."

She didn’t have long to wait; Chris emerged a few minutes later holding Michelle’s hand. Lonnie wasn’t far behind and Chris waved to the fans before climbing into the limo himself, with Lonnie taking the front seat. A few of the fans had the gumption to jump over the barrier and start chasing the car as it pulled out into the heavy traffic. Laurie’s jaw dropped open in amazement.

"They’re going to get themselves killed!" She exclaimed.

"This is normal," Chris told her. "It happens enough that it doesn’t surprise us anymore, but it still concerns us. We don’t want them to get hurt."

"Obviously," Laurie said and went back to looking out the window.

"Laurie, are you all right? You left the restaurant awfully fast." Laurie looked at Michelle. "I’m fine, I just needed some fresh air."

(Three hours later)

"Well that was umm... interesting." Laurie commented on the way back to the hotel.

"You did really well," Chris said encouragingly. "And in addition, there was a lot of interest generated in the camp, so that’s a good thing. Word is definitely getting out."

"It looks promising," Laurie agreed and looked out the window. Michelle turned to Chris.

"So are we dropping you off at the venue or are you coming back to the hotel first?"

"It’s probably better if I get dropped off at the venue." Chris looked at his watch. "What do you two ladies have planned for the afternoon?"

"We were talking earlier about hitting the gym at the hotel. Other than that, it’s just rest and relaxation until we leave for the show."

"Sounds like fun," Chris gave Michelle a quick kiss. "It looks like we’re here, I’ll see you ladies later."

"Bye babe," Michelle winked at him.

"Bye Chris," Laurie said.

Once the door was closed and the limo was moving again, Michelle spoke. "Laurie. What’s wrong?"


Michelle looked at her in disbelief.

"Really, it’s just..." Laurie paused. "I guess I’m just kind of tired, that’s all. And I kind of miss Craig."

Michelle was immediately sympathetic. "Laur, that’s completely understandable. Is he going to be home when you fly back?"

"I hope not," she thought. "I don’t know, I haven’t heard from him in a few days."

"Laurie, I realize this is none of my business and you have every right not to answer this question; but is everything all right between you and Craig?"

"Things are ok... we just don’t get to see each other very often."

"Trust me, I know what that’s like, but it’s not always a bad thing," Michelle laughed and gave Laurie a wink, which actually made her smile. Changing the subject, she said, "So... you and JC seem to be getting along fairly well."

Laurie avoided her gaze and concentrated on peeling the label from her bottle of water.

"What do you mean?" She asked innocently.

"I mean just what I said," Michelle shrugged and smiled slyly. "It’s too bad you’re both in other relationships... otherwise you’d be perfect for each other."

"Really? You think so?" Laurie asked hopefully and then cursed herself for seeming interested. "Way to keep it on the downlow, Laurie." "You’re probably imagining things."

"Oh, I don’t know Laur," Michelle said nonchalantly. "I’ve known JC for a few years now and I really don’t think that I am imagining things." She finished evenly.

Laurie said nothing.

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