Chapter Eighteen

JC woke several times during the night. He tossed and turned, unable to find the one position that would enable him to rest calmly for the remainder of the night. Once, around four am, he turned in such a way that he accidentally kicked Laurie, waking her up.

"Oww," she complained and rolled over to face him. "What was that for?"

"I’m sorry," he apologized and wrapped an arm around her waist. "I’m just having trouble getting comfortable."

"You can’t sleep?"

JC shook his head into his pillow. "I think I might be anxious about you going home to Craig tomorrow. And I don’t know when I’ll be able to see you again. I’ve really enjoyed spending these last few days with you."

"So have I," she whispered. "But it’s not like I want to go home to Craig. I’d give up anything to be able to stay with you."

Nothing more was said after that.


(Later That Morning)

"Are you all packed up?" JC asked and Laurie nodded. He placed his hands on her shoulders. "I’m going to miss you. But maybe when we have enough time between shows, I’ll fly out to LA and spend some time with you."

"The convenience of modern dating," she laughed.

"Funny." JC grinned and then sighed. "Your car is waiting downstairs for you."

"My car?"

"’s technically our car, but since we no longer need it, I’ve commissioned it to take you to the airport."

"You didn’t have to do that," she told him softly.

"I know, but I wanted to since I can’t take you there myself. And unfortunately I can’t walk you down and say goodbye to you the way I’d like I’ll just have to do it here."

A sigh escaped from deep within Laurie’s throat as JC cradled her face in his hands and ran his tongue teasingly along her lips. When she opened her mouth in an attempt to capture his tongue between her teeth, he playfully pulled away, making her pout.

"Josh," her hands slid up his chest and around the back of his neck, pulling him closer. "Don’t make me wait."

JC’s eyes smoldered with passion a second before they closed and he buried his hand in the hair at the nape of her neck and slid his arm around her waist, bringing her mouth to his. When they parted several minutes later, they were struggling to catch their breath.

"You should go," he murmured against her lips, but was reluctant to let her go.


"I love you." He kissed her forehead and then bent down to pick up her travel bag and slung it over her shoulder for her. "Call me or email me as soon as you get a chance so that I know you got home safely."

"I will," she leaned in and kissed him one last time. "I love you."

JC was unable to tear his eyes from her as she walked away from him. He watched as the door closed behind her and then dejectedly headed back to his own room.


"Hey, I was just about to come and get you!" Michelle smiled as she joined Laurie in the hallway. "Do you need any help taking your things to the car?"

"Nope, this is all I have." Laurie replied, gesturing the bag hanging from her shoulder.

"Ok. I’ll walk down with you because there’s a couple of things that Chris and I were discussing last night that we thought we should run by you. Now that you’ve experienced the FuMan signings first hand, what are your feelings? Do you want to go to more or do you just want to kind of hang back out of the spotlight and do your own thing?"

"Do you need an answer right away? Or can I think about it for a bit?"

"Take all the time you need. The next stop is in Dallas, and that’s not for another three weeks."

"Ok, I’ll let you know." Laurie paused. "I kind of wish I was going with you guys to’re all so fun to hang around."

"Well thanks," Michelle laughed. "But you know you’re more than welcome to join us anytime. Why don’t you come to Toronto with us, that way you and I can check out the FuMan stock at Eatons and see how it’s doing...maybe leave some flyers for the camp to use as bag stuffers when someone purchases a shirt."

"Oh boy is that offer ever tempting...more time to spend with Josh..." Laurie stood there for a moment and seriously weighed her options. "I should really head back to LA. Craig will be waiting for me at the airport and I think he would be kind of upset if I called and told him I wasn’t coming home. He hasn’t seen me in a couple of weeks."

"Ok, but just remember, if you ever do want to hang around longer, just let one of us know, it’s not a problem."

"Thanks, I’ll definitely keep that in mind." Laurie turned toward the front doors of the hotel. "I’ll see you when you get back!"

"You got it...have a safe flight Laur! And give Dave a punch in the arm for me!" Michelle called out. She could hear Laurie laughing as she climbed into the back of the vehicle.


"Hey," Lance caught up with Michelle in the hallway when she returned from walking Laurie downstairs. "Got a minute?"

"I have all the time in the world for you, Lance. least until we have to get onto the buses. What’s on your mind?"

"Listen, remember what we were discussing at dinner last night just after C and Laurie showed up?"

"Yeah, I was going to..."

"What did you mean when you said ‘It explains a lot’? What do you know that I don’t?"

"I don’t really know anything...I had commented to Laurie that I thought she and JC would make a great couple and the next thing I know, he has his arm around her waist."

"Is that why you didn’t seem very surprised? Did Laurie tell you that she dated JC for a few weeks?"

"Excuse me?"

"Umm...maybe I shouldn’t have said anything… it’s not my place."

"Lance." Michelle stopped him as he moved to leave. "You can’t just say something like that and not elaborate. Spill it."

"I can’t believe Chris hasn’t mentioned it to you," Lance ran his hand through his short spiky hair. "But it was five years ago and they only dated for a few weeks. So he might not even remember."

"Will you stop talking in circles and start at the beginning?

"Oh yes, impatient one." Lance snickered and Michelle glared at him. "Fine. When we first started out and we were in Europe..."

"Lance...get to the part that I’m not familiar with." He narrowed his eyes, but continued. "We were in Paris for a bit, and one day while we were having a bite to eat in a little café, JC saw Laurie sitting a few table over and was immediately taken with her."

"What was Laurie doing in Europe?"

"I think she was there on vacation...don’t interrupt or I won’t tell you what I know."

"Fine," she huffed.

"Anyway," he looked at her to make sure she wasn’t going to interrupt him again. "They were inseparable the whole time she was there, I’m not sure how much of Europe she actually got to see. JC was heartbroken when she left...and he was even worse when he couldn’t get a hold of her and she didn’t contact him. If they’re together again though, I’m afraid it’s partially my fault."

"That’s an odd thing to say...why would you think that?"

"Because I recognized her as soon as I saw her. And not long after the video shoot, I was talking to JC about her and asking him how he felt having her back in his life, even if she wasn’t a very integral part of it. And I told him to follow his heart."

"Oh Lance, do you really think you should have said that? I mean...what if Laurie doesn’t feel that way anymore?"

"I’m pretty sure she does."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Yesterday morning when Alexandria was here, I saw JC go into Laurie’s room… even though their rooms have a connecting door, he obviously couldn’t use it. He emerged about twenty minutes later. And umm...I’m pretty sure Laurie didn’t have a nap yesterday."


"Because when I was looking for JC yesterday, I stopped by Laurie’s room and I noticed her bathroom door was closed. It didn’t take much to put two and two together."

"Wow...I’m definitely going to have to keep my eyes open. I’d much rather JC be with Laurie than Alexandria..."

"I think most of us would," Lance laughed and looked at his watch. "Shoot, it’s almost time to leave, we should go get our stuff and head out to the buses."

"Yeah, I’m sure Chris is wondering where I am. See you later Lance."

Michelle walked back to her room and Chris was sprawled out on the bed, face down, watching TV. She sat down beside him and absentmindedly began to run her fingers through his hair.



"How come you didn’t tell me that JC and Laurie used to date?"

Chris looked at Michelle like she was smoking crack. "Umm...ok...what are you talking about?"

"They dated when you guys were in Europe...well, they met in Paris."

"I still have no idea what you’re talking about," he said and turned back to the TV.

"You’re no help," she flopped back on the bed and sighed.


Laurie was tired when she climbed off the plane and made her way to the gate where Craig was supposed to be picking her up. When she saw him he was leaning against the wall and talking on his cell phone. When Laurie approached him, he held up a single finger for her to wait while he finished his call.

The longer he stayed on his phone, the more frustrated she became. Craig glanced at her and noting her aggravation, he finally ended the call and hugged her.

"Hi honey," he kissed her cheek. "How was your flight?"

"Uneventful," she yawned and they began to make their way out of the terminal. "Where are you parked?"

"Not too far...would you like me to carry your bag for you?"

"Thanks, but I can manage. Were you waiting long?"

"I was here about ten minutes before you arrived. Are you hungry at all? Do you want to go out for dinner?"

"No, I just want to go home and relax. I hate feeling this tired."

"You know Laurie," Craig said as he unlocked the door for her and helped her in. "If working for this company and flying around so much makes you tired, maybe you should find something a little closer to home...or not work at all."

"Craig don’t start, ok? I like working for FuMan Skeeto, the people I work with are wonderful and the office is practically around the corner from our house. It’s only once or twice a month that I need to fly somewhere."

"Ok, I’m sorry." He apologized and rested his hand on her shoulder, giving it a light squeeze.

"Forget it," Laurie said wearily and rested her head against the back of the seat. Her eyes closed and an image of JC floated before her and she felt something tug at her heart. She wanted to be back with him.

The next thing she knew, Craig had parked the car and was gently shaking her awake. Her carried her bag into the house for her and after kicking her shoes off, she made her way upstairs and began to fill the tub with water.

She walked into her bedroom and stripped off her clothes, not bothering to put them in the hamper and withdrew her robe from the closet. She walked back into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

With a sigh of relief, she stepped into the tub and sank down into the water so that it covered her almost completely. She added some of her favorite raspberry scented oil and felt the tension begin to seep out of her body.

When the water turned tepid, she pulled the plug and stood up, wrapping a fluffy towel around her body. Laurie stepped out of the tub and walked over to the sink, washing her face and brushing her teeth. Exhausted, she left the bathroom and practically crawled into bed, falling asleep right away.

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