Chapter Eleven

(12:30 p.m. - July 26th)

Shannon had been surprised, but pleased, when she recieved the phone call from Marki asking if she wanted to go to lunch and do some shopping. From what she had seen, she really liked the younger woman, especially her sense of humor. After lunching at a Chili's near Shannon's apartment, they headed into one of the many ecclectic privately-owned clothing stores in lower Manhattan to shop.

"What do you think of this top?" Marki held up a particularly ugly yellow and green sequined halter top, mock seriousness on her face.

Shannon burst out laughing. "Oh ... no. Do you think I'd look sexy in this?" She held up an equally disgusting orange feathered shirt. The pair collapsed in giggles, earning a nasty look from the shop's owner. "Okay, I'm going to try and be serious now." They both began searching through racks in earnest, making faces at the occasional garment, but before long, each woman had a sizeable armload of clothing. Marki was still debating on getting a pair of embellished jeans for Joey when Shannon squealed with excitement beside her.

"Chris would love these!" Shannon said without thinking, pulling a pair of jeans off the rack.

Marki eyed her with interest, a smile on her face. "Really?"

Shannon blushed when she realized what she had said and just who she had said it to. "I mean ... um ... well -"

"Nah, he will love those, you're right." Marki couldn't help but notice the sparkle in Shannon's eyes and her heart soared, hoping she was right. "So, how goes it with you and Chris?"

"Good - really good." Shannon grinned excitedly. "It's amazing, really. Chris is so sweet and so funny and when I'm with him, I completely forget about that 'other' Chris, the one I thought I knew. I never could have dreamed that he would be so wonderful, he's so much more than I could have wished for ..." she paused to collect her thoughts. "And I'm rambling ... sorry about that."

"It's okay - I understand - new love and all that." Marki smiled.

"What?" Shannon looked at her confused.

Wincing, Marki kicked herself for her big mouth. "Damn, I shouldn't have said that - nevermind." Damn it, Joey is going to kill me ...

"Said what, Marki?" Shannon pressed, her heart pounding.

"Do you think Joey will like these jeans?"

"Uh uh, don't try and change the subject, Marki. I see right through you - what do you mean, 'new love'?" Shannon insisted, an amused smile on her face.

"Oh, okay - I can't take it!" Marki laughed. "Johnny called Justin, Lance and Chris in for a meeting this morning, and he just came right out and asked them what they plan to do once we leave New York - what they're going to do about you, Destiny, and Michelle. Mostly he asked Chris, cause he's noticed a change in him - we all have."

"What kind of change?" Shannon wondered, puzzled.

"He loves you, anyone can see it," Marki said simply.


(1:30 p.m. - soundcheck)

Joey looked around the empty arena, checking his watch for what felt like the millionth time.

"Hey Fatone, you think you could participate in the soundcheck - cause you actually have to produce sound for them to check it," JC commented.

"Bite me, JC. I'm just worried." Joey looked around the arena again and adjusted his earpiece.

"Dude, about what?" Chris asked.

"Marki. She left to have lunch with Shannon like, hours ago, and she's still not back. She almost never misses soundcheck ..." Joey drifted off, realizing he sounded like a jealous lover. "It's nothing, nevermind."

"Marki went to lunch with Shannon?" Chris's heart started to pound. "Why?"

"Hell, I don't know, Chris. I guess to talk about girl stuff. What's got your panties all in a twist about it, anyway?" Joey frowned.

"Nothing," Chris stammered.

JC's eyes widened with realization. "Dude, tell me you didn't tell Joey about your little thing with Sh-"

"Shut up, C!" Chris warned, his face serious.

"You did?" JC slapped his hand to his forehead and groaned.

"Hey! I can keep a secret, you know." Joey protested angrily.

Lance and Justin stared at their bandmates with confusion.

"Um, could you guys maybe tell us what the hell you are talking about?" Lance asked, looking at Chris. "What little thing with Shannon?"

Chris sighed and pretended to be interested in a speck of lint on his pants. "ImaybekindofthinkthatImightloveher."

Lance and Justin exchanged surprised looks. "Chris, is this because of the meeting we had with Johnny earlier?" Lance wondered.

Chris's eyes widened. "Of COURSE it's because of the meeting - haven't you guys given any thought to what Johnny said? I haven't thought of anything else all day."

"Yeah, I've thought about it," Justin admitted. "But you've got to weigh the pros and cons here. I mean, we've known them for what ... three days?"

"Does it really matter how long you've known someone if they're THE one?" Chris argued.

"And Justin's not arguing that," Lance mediated. "I know how you feel, Chris, but maybe he's right. Maybe we should step back and try to view it objectively."

Chris swore under his breath and slammed his headset down on a stool. "Well you two can go ahead and weigh all the pros and cons you want and watch Destiny and Michelle walk out of your lives forever - but I'll be damned if I let Shannon walk out of mine." He tore his in-ear monitors out and shoved them at one of the sound engineers as he stormed out of the arena, leaving his four bandmates in shock behind him.

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